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Everything posted by MrPhlegm

  1. and built the SR71 I got one around here somewhere
  2. my dad died from penumonia 10 years after he had it. got it at 72. it damaged his lungs so he had to be on o2 after that. his lungs finally gave out at 82. of course being born in 1918 he smoked, a lot. my mom made them quit cold turkey. fuck penumonia. 34 is too fucking young. gotta think aboutgetting the shot soon.
  3. bright is aggy. all rules about normal behavior are off. fuck aggy.
  4. no. jerra is the only one of the potential buyers that accepted that stipulation. bum did things in typical aggy fashion. fucking aggy poltroon coprophagic dog fucker. but it is ultimately the Murchison family's fault for being stupid enough to sell to an aggy piece of shit in the first place. Landry and Schramm were doomed because they were of t.u. hell that turd bright probalallby bought the cowboys just so he could get back at t.u.
  5. jerra fired Landry because it was a condition of the sale.
  6. of course. but then bum bright IS a fucking aggy moron piece of shit.
  7. what the hell do submarines have to do with the cowboys? and of course the newest aggy boomers with lots of porches for fresh air flow WHOOP!
  8. I know why he is a Boys fan and not an Oilers fan. it is because the Cowboys were on tv in houston and the surrounding area and the oilers wern't due to blackout restrictions. it is the reason I was a cowboys fan despite growing up in houston. that and Tom Landry had a show where he would break down the previous week's game. ran film backwards and forwards and explained what was going on. when the dumbfucks in the murchison family sold the cowboys to that fucking aggy moron bum bright after clint died and bum sold it to arkansas inbred rotted goat turd jerra and jerra fired the men that made the cowboys and the modern nfl I was done. fuck jerrah fuck bum bright fuck arkansas fuck aggy. if the cowboys pass out of the jerra jones family hands then I might consider becoming a fan again. pa fuck the texans. when they started and loaded up on aggy and then turned vince down I knew they would never amount to shit. I kinda like the fins cause they suck, you know they are gonna suck and it is humerous. Miami has the dolphins a shitty football team! They take the ball from goal to goal who knows the fuck why bla bla bla and when you say the dolphins you ain't talking super bowl!! I mean the fins couldn't even pull off tanking a season. pathetic. maybe the finns will hire hermann. we should be so lucky
  9. The city of Dallas has not had a pro football team since 1971. rivalries the eagles and steelers? fuuuuuuuuuck what the fuck are the goddamn shitass turdball stinking washington fucking redskins? chopped liver?
  10. ahha! ho ho ho Merry Christmas! ps the little drummer needs to use deodorant. Hans Gruber has left the building!
  11. you should show them your Wang.
  12. I'm retired and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
  13. it is HARD to learn to stick your arm up a cow's ass he prolly refused to take the aggy stick your arm up the cow's ass advanced placement test.
  14. oh lord. channel 6 the cbs affiliate here in otown just had a story on the bowl game between isu and the retarded lepercons and they had the fucking Iowa shitbird logo up for isu. morons.
  15. ok I read enough stupidty on the thread to think i'm on texags. look here twits that want explanations for everything and want the movie to follow our laws of physics you are fucking cluess infantile morons that don't have a fucking clue. NOTHING was explained in STAR WARS or EMPIRE or ROTJ. and thats the way it should be. STAR WARS was an homage to saturday matinee serials. those didn't follow physics and didn't explain shit either. Ming WTF? Flash Gordon WTF? LONE RANGER wtf? you just paid your nickle went in sat down turned your brain off and enjoyed. that's what STAR WARS was. twins separated at birth somehow find each other fight their dad and save the galaxy? what a crock of horseshit. who gives a shit it was entertaing and it was what the country needed after what that cretin Carter did to fuck up the country (no cloak). so you mindless whiners fuck right off. Star Wars isn't Hanna fucking Montanna. where Star Wars got shitty was when George started explaining things. the prequels sucked ass. fuck jar jar binks. This one was a hell of a lot better than I expected it to be. There was enough plot to move shit along to the next shit blows up good scene. lots of fan service as befits a concluding movie. basically no new characters to get in the way. good shit. gonna see it again. This one was as good as STAR WARS. It was a fitting end to these 9 movies. thanks jj ps a WHITE lightsaber? OH YES. live long and prosper.
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