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Everything posted by MrPhlegm

  1. that's seinfeld's first 2nd season tv girlfriend. made him eskimo brothers with george. Tracy Kolis. they's nudes out there of her.
  2. why would you laugh at uc davis or nmsu?
  3. I would just like to say, fuck you bum bright you shithead moron fucking aggy fuckstick, fffffuuuuuuuccccckkkkkkk yyyyyoooooouuuuuu!!!!
  4. that shit is gdgdariffic
  5. garlactic nazeeahump narhwall quart fleen
  6. what 9f he locks Bob Cole in an electrical closet?
  7. happy thanksgiving assholes! I'm thankful we don't have to play these regarded goat fuckers any more...
  8. mensa's game plans... the rest... no cloak
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