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Everything posted by MrPhlegm

  1. wilkinson? he related to that giant cheating scumbag sack of shit Bud?
  2. one of the better renditions of The Eyes was the one played by ZZ Top on the banjo to start their set at this https://alcalde.texasexes.org/2015/10/the-way-back-over-the-top/ it had gotten dark 80,000 of us were high (many tons of reefer were smoked that day, you had no choice, if you were in Memorial Stadium and were breathing you were high from all the dope smoke, it was if Memorial was a giant firepit with a visible plume of smoke trailing north all the way to Round Rock), had sunstroke, were dehydrated and some of us were halucinating. Santanna had finished their set and they had swapped out the sets on stage. the lights went down and out of the darkness the notes rang out of The Eyes Of Texas played on a banjo pumped through a wall of cerwin-vegas at 10 billion decibles. Memorial stadium went bananas. lights went up and ZZ Top ripped into their set. good times.
  3. Jason the aggy ass clown is a fucking moron. yes you can do it backwards or forwards just like Harley Clark the inventor did the first time he introduced it. Here is the man doing it backwards and forwards. so stfu jason idoit.
  4. i have the strangest craving for corny dog. i can withstand boomer sooner. it that fucking rodgers and hammerstein shit Oklahoma that I hate. fuck that shit
  5. wtf? uc davis doesn't play in reed
  6. fuck off aggy why do you aggy continually grovel please end this thread.
  7. crown is crack. start a bottle gotta finish it. dangerous. yesterday it was this... straight outta the bottle. it didn't help
  8. at least they got to play the fight song. in dkr the wankers in charge woulda played kernkraft 400 as bob moron cole shrieked out some mindless drivel.
  9. soccer is fun to play but it fucking blows to watch. boring as shit. nothing fucking happens. why do you think soccer hoolilgans pound the shit out of each other in the stands? they are bored and pissed off. why do you think thousands if soccer fans stampede and trample each other to death? cause they are enraged sheep forced to watch a fucking abortion of an exhibition put on by flopping wankers and it depresses them and they become suicidal. Ever since Pelé retired soccer players are pathetic. If I want to watch guys run around in skimpy shorts I watch footy. fuck hermann
  10. dude smoke a joint and watch Die Hard. you"ll feel a lot better.
  11. nc winning coach? fupm? nope nope nope nope. if Vince had not told fupm and gdgd to stfu I got this coach fupm would not be a nc coach. that championship belongs to vince.
  12. not if urban forbade him from turtling during a game like mensa did yesterday.
  13. college station? really? and gainsville? over coral gables? sheeeeeeit hell, over miami even? fiu is in miami. sheeeeeit. shit even tampa and orlando are better than shitty ass gainsville. not to mention jacksonville which has whataburger. gainsville gots no whataburger.
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