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Everything posted by MrPhlegm

  1. kinky. well whatever floats yer boat
  2. so you dont like undefeated seasons?
  3. urban was arrested 47 times at uf? amatuer.
  4. oooh so dislocated hip means only cowgirl or reverse cowgirl until it heals?
  5. apply? mensa sent me an invitation after my sat. i turned em down. I sent mensa a wire stating, PLEASE ACCEPT MY RESIGNATION. I DON'T WANT TO BELONG TO ANY CLUB THAT WILL ACCEPT ME AS A MEMBER.
  6. that goddamn game was a fred fucking akers special. that shit he ran right after the d forced a punt in the 4th was right out of the fred akers sweep right 4 times on the fucking ou goal line for no fucking gain to lose the game playbook. time for this assclown to go.
  7. sooners are gonna get grant teaffed by the refs this game.
  8. what the fuck? we won a replay? holy shit!
  9. yes. it's in bob iger's stool.
  10. fitlump and jade's uh chili make you think of hot sex? well alrighty then
  11. fify Wally is awesome. Quarter.
  12. look here you mindless bag of catshit I done tol you that posting inane drivel is MY JOB ON HERE! now fucking fuck off right on back to texags you stupid bag of goat anus jerky.
  13. I for one am hoping for a plethora of quick kicks.
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