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Wanker Bob

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Everything posted by Wanker Bob

  1. Absolutely hilarious if they have him the award while investigating him so he didn't get suspicious
  2. Nah, attention whore is a very common phrase that's used for both men and women. There's no sexual connotation there at all. Not a big deal. You're being too over the top here
  3. I'm sure that Pfizer/Moderna have record of how many have been produced and shipped out. I think it's far more likely they shipped to where the trump fed govt told them to and at that point millions of doses were siphoned off for sale for profit. Knowing how trump is I'd be shocked if that wasn't the case since we know there's a large discrepancy in how many have been produced and shipped by the manufacturers and how many have reached local health care facilities across the country. That should definitely be investigated by the Biden Admin and if found to be true start criminal prosecutions for it. Biden's admin has been given zero to work with. They're having to start this from scratch so it'll be weeks before it can even begin to get rolling. A big problem is for the most part these vaccines haven't been tested on how well one dose protects and what's the effective range for time between first and second dose. They are pretty sure up to about 12 weeks between doses can still maintain effectiveness but not 100 percent sure and no idea about any longer than that. Therefore, I think they should stick to the 2 dose schedule and make sure whoever gets a first dose can have the next one available to them within 5-6 weeks max. This is just a continuation of the consequences for electing an evil reality show idiot to lead the country and having a political party bow down to his idiocy.
  4. Wanker Bob


    Yeahhhhhhhh that's going to have to be reviewed by another judge.
  5. Missing? As in possibly routed by trump people to someone who can sell to the highest bidder and kick back millions to trump?
  6. Just make sure to leave room at the end of the banner to add "ing suck". Just in case
  7. Maybe these people who are charged with the worst crimes would be stupid enough to do interviews? I'd like to see it framed as a cautionary tale for falling for cult propaganda.
  8. I guess maybe it was impossible to do in the short time frame but wouldn't it have made sense to get a large study of people vaccinated at different intervals to see if it makes a difference if the second shot comes 3 weeks later or 20? This problem should have been easily foreseen as getting billions of people vaccinated exactly three weeks apart would be impossible on any reasonable time frame
  9. The problem I have with this kind of stuff is it's factoring in every team but every team is completely different with their quarterbacks and personnel. With a quarterback the caliber of Rogers you definitely go for it because you have the guy that has a much better chance of making it than if Kirk Cousins, Gardner Minshew, or Jameis Winston were the quarterback. That's why stats and analytics are helpful but are pimped up by fans way way way too much. The only stats that should matter that much is if it's that particular team's stats but many times the sample size will be to small in a season to take it too seriously. The personnel you have and the quality of QB makes a much bigger difference in decision making than what the average of every team in the league does.
  10. This is why you don't go for two before the half way point of the fourth quarter unless you're just getting blown out in the third. There's just far too many variables at play and too many possessions left to forecast anything. If they just kicked the extra point they'd be down seven right now.
  11. I'm not sure a country can catch the nation equivalent of AIDS without collateral damage. That's all he gave us
  12. If anyone needs N95s consider buying from these Texans who started manufacturing them to help get dependence off of China but are now facing backlash and red tape from local and state government. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/watchdog/2021/01/22/two-guys-start-a-dfw-mask-factory-but-cant-catch-a-break-forget-made-in-texas-china-always-wins/?outputType=amp
  13. Good luck to him and hopefully he just needs some oxygen treatment and beats it quickly. We don't need even our brainwashed people to be dying from this. We need to get going now that the toddler is out if the way and get as many vaccinated ASA
  14. The former senior Republican official who would like to see Trump convicted characterized it as an internal war within the party and expressed pessimism that enough senators would rise to the occasion. "I have learned through sad experience that no one has lost money betting on the seemingly bottomless capacity of congressional R's for self-abasement and cowardice," said the former official https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/01/22/politics/mcconnell-trump-impeachment-conviction-republicans/index.html
  15. That's true there should be at minimum training and an exam to pass at least as well as a HS diploma. I don't like it much either but with the sheer millions of Americans being too stupid to sustain democracy some terrible choices are going to have to be made. We can't have a Congress with too many Boeberts or it'll be full on Idiocracy.
  16. Yeah you should have to have a bachelor's degree minimum to be in Congress. Someone without a proper education isn't going to be up to the task of the complex legislation that needs to be understood and voted on. She's a high school dropout who worked at McDonald's and then as a secretary for a pipe company. She has no frame of reference for how government works only that her parents were poor and on welfare and she despises them so she believes no one needs assistance ever.
  17. As an outsider who came here for the Trump board and has no college football affiliation (outside of an Ivy league school which I couldn't care less about it's football program) that was one of the biggest things I noticed and mentioned before. Maybe if there was only 1 or 2 of these parasitic leeches then it wouldn't be so bad but there's like 5 or 6 just on this one program. All competing for a limited pool of fan dollars so they will definitely harass players and coaches and at times make things up or guess. In the smart phone social media age that's massively damaging to a coaching staff's ability to control the program and build positive consistency. It happened here just like I said where one such place puts it out then several others run with it without any direct knowledge and it becomes a storm of shit requiring the head coach to have to put a stop to it. The same thing happened in the Urban Meyer fiasco when that negotiation should never have been made public in the first place. Having that many of those sites is a massive problem for your program.
  18. Holy shit Sark actually brought Mike Stoops? Is he off the wagon again?
  19. I wish I knew Mike Judge because this needs to be a sequel to Idiocracy
  20. I just cracked myself up thinking about what if Jesus was crucified because he ran around calling everybody fake news and trying to overthrow the government and the disciples were just his version of these Qtards
  21. But in the stories they tell over the centuries Trump gets more and more altruistic and wise until he's basically painted as the savior of mankind who did no wrong and performed miracles by delivering humans from the clutches of the Hillary. A succubus so powerful only God himself could defeat her.
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