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Wanker Bob

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Everything posted by Wanker Bob

  1. Failure to take them down and remove their voice, and everyone like them on a national scale, will lead to further strengthening and eventually an overthrow of the government. The police already have many members in their ranks. This is getting dangerously close to being strong enough to overthrow the government if the police and military join in on their side in large enough numbers.
  2. If you propose hatred and violence you should be silenced. We have 350 million people trying to coexist in a society here. Civility is the number 1 requirement for any type of sustained existence. The Republican party has become a radicalized terrorist organization spouting hatred and violence constantly. They should be silenced and destroyed until something resembling civility can arise from those ashes.
  3. There's nothing conservative about the republican party. They've wasted trillions of dollars, they start unnecessary wars, and they hold up any advancement of policy that could benefit the American people. We need to stop referring to them as conservative
  4. By the time the Congress people were allowed back in it had been hours and if they wanted to collect evidence there was plenty of time to do so.
  5. I see we have another Gary Johnson voter. Poor Gary should be the one claiming election fraud.
  6. Being a person who falls way to the analytical side of the spectrum I am fascinated by people who are incapable of controlling their emotions and keeping them from objective judgment. Whether it be Trump supporters not realizing they are nothing but suckers being played by a fascist or sports fans unable to recognize when their own program is wrought with self-destructive and morally corrupt behaviors. I don't know how your brain allows you to be so manipulated and blind to reality but the fact it does fascinates the crap out of me.
  7. The moment they get enough money to buy him off. Which of course is never
  8. not to mention they all videotaped themselves doing it and virtually all of them that can be traced are traced back to white supremacist trumpers on social media
  9. Pretty soon he'll have the chance to prove that.
  10. Besides, as bad as this country is getting my cousin will probably convince his wife to move back to the UK before long anyway. So maybe I should be feeling sorry for your kids
  11. Funny I'm from the UK and yet you're the traitor to America and supporting fascism and an overthrow of the government. You need to find some mirrors and start looking in them
  12. My cousin has a daughter that's about to turn two in a couple of months. Saw her yesterday as I went by to drop off some supplies and I just said "poor girl, I can't even imagine the shithole America you're going to have to deal with when you're my age"
  13. Nothing is happening because these people committed federal crimes and the federal government is controlled by a fascist president that is leading a fascist insurrection in America. This is why it's vitally important for the Biden administration to come in and immediately work towards squashing this insurrection. Trump and his participants in the insurrection like Ted Cruz and Hawley et al need to be arrested and tried for instigating this insurrection. All of these people that can be identified from the Capitol need to be arrested and tried. If this goes unpunished then it this will continue and potentially topple the American government if Trump or another insurrectionist is elected in 2024
  14. That's funny you think he's right there on the line but at the end the camera shows he's so far away no cops could hear him. Tough guy over here
  15. If Pence had played it right he could have convinced the number he needed that trump was going to lead them to this moment now. That removing trump was necessary to avoid a democrat takeover and the problems that will cause them, all while leaking recordings of trump breaking the law much more than was leaked elsewhere. He's just not shrewd enough to pull it off but a better politician would have.
  16. He's a fucking idiot. Even a cursory look into the history of trump tells anyone watching he'll turn on you as soon as it benefits him to do so. Pence should have led the removal during impeachment and made himself president but he's too stupid to pull it off. He could have leaked all sorts of incriminating evidence and back stabbed Trump with the Republicans in the senate.
  17. Don't believe so. But they can be charged under terrorism charges that were used for brown Muslims Reopen Gitmo, toss them in, and throw away the keys
  18. Way to take a stand there Jack ass. The downfall of America can be boiled down to people in power refusing to take even the smallest and easiest of steps to protect the public if at the expense of personal financial gain. This is where capitalism run amok fails and causes the downfall of a society. You can't have either capitalism or socialism in their pure forms as they both end in the same circumstances. You have to have a mixture of both to have a functioning government and society.
  19. 99 percent???? Romney was the only Republican that voted to convict during the impeachment. Literally every other Republican did not vote for impeachment and therefore are all 100% deserving of this treatment and far far worse. They allowed for the obstruction of justice with McConnell not even bringing testimony in the Senate before voting to keep trump in power. Every Republican congressman who was there a year ago during those proceedings deserves to be imprisoned.
  20. The police are complicit in the white supremacist agenda. Summer 2020 George Floyd protests should have told you. These police literally damaged property and attacked unarmed and peaceful people without provokation. The ugly underbelly of America's racism has finally come to the surface for the world to see.
  21. Jack would rather see America burn to the ground than turn these lunatic nut jobs on him and his family. There's no way in hell he's going to ban him from Twitter now or as long as he has this cult mob willing to attack people in his name. There were many many people who have had countless opportunities for 5 years now to shut this shit down but they refused to do so. From Jack and Zuckerberg to every Republican senator and representative. They all failed this country and now the country as it was founded is completely dead.
  22. It appears Republicans don't study history because once you take tribal politics to this level what follows is public officials being assassinated. these senators and representatives on both sides are very soon going to require protection and be secluded away from normal life with their families always with a threat of violence towards them and their families looming. They brought it on themselves for engaging in this level of propaganda and preying on the stupid and ignorant with hatred and lies all for their own profit.
  23. United States of America 1776 - 2016 Country's been dead for 4 years. We're just realizing it now.
  24. This is exactly what these piece of shit thieves in Congress deserve. You made a deal with these idiots and their con man idol and you refused to hold him and them accountable. Now you want trump to settle these fucks down? Nope, this is the ticket you bought. You turned deplorable, uneducated, uncouth trash against real Americans by the millions and allowed an assault on democracy. This wouldn't be happening to you if you did your job and outted trump and his band of criminals when you had the chance.
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