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Wanker Bob

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Everything posted by Wanker Bob

  1. Why is he hated? He seemed like just a normal dude there. The only things I ever knew of him were he's on YouTube and he got bitched out for desecrating a Japanese suicide forest
  2. Snoop wearing a doggystyle album jacket while the other 3 looking like extras from Reservoir Dogs.
  3. Ref should have stopped it after the 2nd knockdown. Nate's eyes were pure glass
  4. This is nutty. Like a charity fight night with bartenders and welders and shit
  5. That one poor commentator who's not Sugar Ray Leonard keeps getting cut off and interrupted. Funny shit
  6. I recognized the name Badou Jack but couldn't place it until I realized he was the guy I saw fight Adonis Stevenson the fight before Stevenson almost got killed by Teddy Atlas protege Gvozdyk. He was a legit light heavyweight contender just a couple of years ago. And yes that pxp announcer is damn annoying
  7. Ok I just put it back now and it's an actual fight. That's the nuttiest ring set up I think I've ever seen. How is it not crazy hot with that many lights that close to their heads?
  8. I put it on my IPTV channel for the fight but it's just some jabroni rapping. Is that what this is supposed to be or do I have the wrong channel
  9. Wow that's a very progressive relationship you have if she's telling you about all the tools she's tested out and ranking them.
  10. "says Tom Spanier, who opened Tegridy Market (a dispensary that takes its name from South Park) " Yes! How do I get a license so I can go buy from this guy?
  11. Europe isn't 100 percent compliance or even close. There are plenty of giblet heads there thinking it's not a big deal just as the giblet heads here do.
  12. He said 75-80. Not 175-180. Time for new lenses prescription
  13. This guy believes republican voted states are all 100 percent republican, democrat states are all 100 percent democrat, and the entirety of europe is 100 percent Greta Thurnburg's.
  14. How many nurses really don't want to deal with this anymore but feel stuck because they feel there's no other jobs out there for them and they'd rather risk their life every day than risk losing their employer tied insurance? Yeah, land of the free my ass.
  15. If they pulled him in after the new DOJ/AttnyGeneral takes over and made him answer questions and he lies in a way they have evidence of the truth then could they charge him with that crime? Or does the pardon cover any future lying to Congress too?
  16. Printing money to cover the 2-3 Trillion over 10 years left to big corporations to pocket and pay for stock buybacks was no big deal. Few hundred billion for righting a huge governmental fuck up in managing higher education regulation is gonna devalue the currency beyond repair.
  17. Mano de dios pero nariz de nieve
  18. My parents and brother were going to be driving over later today to visit and have a very small Thanksgiving lunch tomorrow with us 3 but my dad and brother got sick last week and tested positive. Now just hoping they get over it with no issues and my mom doesn't get sick.
  19. 57 years was a good run. Time for an upgrade
  20. That's what your wife said That's what your wife does to it
  21. Semi cool funny story: this white colleague of mine is from south africa and moved over as a kid too. He said when he was applying for colleges he kept putting "african american" on there not realizing what that means in America.
  22. 1) it wasn't just Clinton not helping workers. Any legislation that would have helped workers gets blocked by Republicans if they have the power to do so. Not sure why that would make someone choose a guy who literally stiffs the small business man at every chance he gets and was easily verifiable in 2016. 2) she's unlikable but trump is just such a great guy? Compared to trump she's a saint. Personality issues with trump were easily verifiable in 2016 in fact he hit you over the head with them. 3) she was way too hawkish and republican like for my tastes which make the republican hatred of her ironic and silly. She backed Bush on the patriot act and supported the invasion of Iraq.p On the good side her '93 health care act that was shot down later paved the way for CHIP that has helped millions of low income children. She was instrumental in the SMART treaty. She supported expanded FMLA for families of wounded veterans. Was big in getting the Copenhagen Climate Change Accord enacted. Among other things. Still not seeing how she's so reviled by Republicans other than pure brainwashed lunacy. It appears the worst of her attributes and actions would be considered the absolute best of trump.
  23. That would explain being indifferent but nothing there explains the extreme hatred to the level of thinking a failed businessman with multiple bankruptcies, bankrupt casinos, racist statements, and major sex scandal issues would be a preferable president. She had a respectable if mostly centrist voting record in the senate in 8 years and even voted in line with Bush 2 almost 50 percent of the time. Absolutely nothing in her record screams extremist or communist. If anything is screams pragmatic centrist and definitely nothing for Republicans to hate so intensely they'd turn the country over to the vile evil ineptness of a trump. The entire republican voter population was victim to pure lies and propaganda. Never once actually cared enough to check the record and get it straight on either of them. An easily fooled population that votes with it's feelings is the Achilles' heel of America.
  24. I've still never seen anyone explain just what was so bad about Hillary. What about her policies or abilities as a politician were bad? Her record in Congress wasn't poor, definitely better than both Cruz and Cornyn, and she was mostly left center but closer to center much like Bill. I've never seen anything to suggest she would have been a bad president let alone anywhere near as destructive and inept as trump. I'm convinced it's all just a right wing republican Fox news smear job. They spent so much time and effort slandering her over and over that you people just fell for it and created this intense dislike or hatred that's based purely on propaganda. How many times will you let republican propaganda fuck with your head with lies before you wake up?
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