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Wanker Bob

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Everything posted by Wanker Bob

  1. Difference in the series was no Faksa and Comeau for the penalty kill. With a normal penalty kill they win game 4 and are in game 7 now most likely. Injuries helped them in every series in the playoffs until it killed them in the finals
  2. I know exactly what it is I'm just saying that's a terrible term because the team isn't saving anything. They are just cutting a player to lessen the cap hit of that player but it doesn't eliminate it, and they no longer have the player so they are taking a hit but getting zero service. That's the opposite of savings. But anyway it's not a big deal just a pet peeve of mine when hearing that term in this instance.
  3. When you make these bad contracts on these players and end up having to cut several of them before the contract is through that dead money adds up and restricts your ability to replace those players with quality. That's why I don't look at it as savings because you are still paying a price for a player who is no longer on your team and that price restricts your ability to bring in a talented player to replace him. If you never signed that bad contract in the first place you wouldn't have any dead money lowering your usable cap. So you're lessening your cap hit by cutting a player and not saving anything. You're just saying what you agreed to pay this player is too high for the player's current value to you so you're willing to take a reduced hit to release the player and replace him. But you're still taking a hit not saving anything.
  4. It's even more convoluted than Inception and just didn't work. If you don't look at it critically and just as you would say a Mission Impossible type movie it had some enjoyable parts. In it's attempts to be clever it got too wound up in itself and doesn't make a lot of sense.
  5. On all these "cap savings" how much dead money in each year is added to the team's cap total in order to get these "savings"? To me it's not savings when you cut a guy and he's still counting towards your cap total even if he's counting less than if you kept him. You have zero production but still a cost to absorb so no savings it's just you're absorbing cap hits to make a guy go away.
  6. That Jerry jones sideshow carnival barker/circus organizational atmosphere sure leads to crazy and entertaining games. They find crazy ways to fuck up and lose as well as insane ways to steal a game here and there but just will never have the consistent discipline to ever win it all. But they are fun to watch when they cut loose and play all over the place like today and last week.
  7. Another seattle score and it'll be Dak empty stats time
  8. So Dak hasn't thrown an interception in how long and then when he does it's to the one dude in the game who only has one hand? I mean you can't make up how this organization is so so wacky
  9. The refs are bad in every game mainly because this sport has too many subjective and complex rules for guys who are that big and fast. The rams won against the cowboys because of a bad call on cowboys then today rams lost because of a horrible call in them on 4th down under 1 min left. Every team is playing through bad calls and just have to be good enough to win enough by the end of the season. Cowboys will never be consistent enough to win a title as long as Jones is alive but damn if they don't play completely off the wall wacky entertaining games.
  10. Aldon Smith picked the perfect opportunity to come back. Be the baddest mofo on a shitty but highly visible defense to put up stats then next season sign with a real team for better money.
  11. This team is so laughably bad in a division where the other 3 teams are 0-3, 0-2-1, and 1-2. And the 1-2 team doesn't have a mascot because they're racists. Hilarious
  12. Wanker Bob

    Dallas | BBQ

    Terry Black's is my favorite bbq place to go these days. Food, outdoor seating atmosphere, and drinks all combined
  13. I mean it's two games into his first season with practically zero offseason work except for a few weeks of a makeshift fall camp in the middle of a pandemic. Maybe, just maybe, it's going to take more time especially under these circumstances to get a defense that could not tackle a year ago to be able to tackle. It's not magic
  14. Holy flock of seagulls!
  15. Officials are calling this game like they want to be out of the bubble in 5. One of the worst officiated NHL games I've seen in a while. Completely one sided
  16. When was the last time an artist or band debuted over age 30 with great music? Great music comes from a mixture of the brash confusion, naive mindset, and raw energy of youth finding it's way into talented individuals.
  17. When the wife and I were first dating several years ago her very country Mexican family took me hunting. I asked if we were going to be in a blind and they started laughing and said only pussies and lazy fucks hunt in blinds. So I had to mess with you.
  18. Difference in this series is Tampa Bay is surgically punishing every stupid mistake and stupid penalty when Vegas last series almost never punished those same mistakes and penalties. Have to play locked in and focused 60 minutes to beat this team.
  19. Petrus Aged Red
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