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Wanker Bob

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Everything posted by Wanker Bob

  1. When you're an overtly racist white supremacist promoting type of president then you don't acknowledge influential black people. Anyone who would vote for Trump today is racist and either hated Lewis or would have hated him if they knew who he was.
  2. You want the internet to provide content that was available almost 20 years ago before you'll pay for it? If you're paying $200 for cable and it doesn't even include internet you're a stone cold sucker my friend.
  3. 2015? Shit if I came from November of 2016 I'd shrug and say "of course"
  4. I hope a bunch of Republicans go to her and she just pumps them full of hcq and bleach
  5. Social media has proven that a large percentage of the population of America is cognitively deficient
  6. Yeah. Needs to be a WHITE republican leader who succumbs. Or several would do too
  7. it was always going to be impossible to complete a season without having a giant bubble where the players, coaches, staff, and officials have almost zero contact with the outside world. Any sport where these people have contact with the general public will end in mass infections. Just another in a growing mountain of evidence showing young people and children can get this and transmit it just as easily no matter what Republicans try to tell you
  8. They definitely are not being factored by the majority of republicans at the state or federal level. Trying a desperation hail Mary to not get crushed in November is all they're thinking about. Right now they're going to get crushed. They know it. So open the schools. Open everything up. If it works then they salvage their chances. If it doesn't and hundred thousand+ more die and everything gets worse? Oh well, they were going to get crushed anyway if they didn't try it.
  9. Wife and I are raising my wife's niece who lost bother her parents at age 11 in 2018. She, as well as anyone, knows life is unfair, cruel, and unpredictable. We've been supportive but also haven't tried to shield her from the realities of life. Stress that life is difficult so enjoy the moments you can enjoy and above all else be persistent, be able to adapt, and sacrifice when needed. She's not only persevering through this pandemic she's thriving. She's hardened by tragedy and made strong by our loving support. Far too many Americans, especially middle to upper class, raise their children in a protective cocoon and render them wholly unable to handle adversity. Unable to persevere through stress and anxiety. Unable to have the strength and wisdom/experience needed. So they grow up, can't cope, and get thrown on all sorts of medication because they're weak. Now, I know there are conditions people have that require medication. Legitimate conditions. But Americans dope their kids up way too much on average because many of them are soft and were never given the tools and hardened enough to handle life.
  10. I don't know how state taxes work in relation federal since I've never paid them but his contract is for "over $100 million" and just on raw numbers that's potentially several million in savings.
  11. 1 Didn't say it wasn't a problem. Said compared to cranking the covid infection machine up to 11 for the entire society by mass opening schools it's a way better thing to navigate. Also said for that reason it's completely bullshit to use that as an excuse for opening up schools. Everything is a problem right now. These kids are going to have to deal with it and far worse as they grow up because this shit isn't ending with this pandemic. Every country has completely evil, horrific people in it. America has the most evil and horrific running the entire country. There are not going to be easy choices and easy lives going forward and they'll have to get used to navigating it. Consider this good training for them.
  12. I keep seeing this and it's completely bullshit in this situation. No one is saying you have to lock the kid in a room for a year by himself. You pick one or two relatives or friends with kids around the same age and you let them socialize with them. We've been doing that and they're fine. Every family doing that would be far far better than just taking all the kids at once and putting them in a giant covid factory to just infect the country at large. I feel terrible for families that are having to make sacrifices and find a way to raise their kids in this environment but sacrificing the entire country to covid so they can have a free babysitter again is just stupid.
  13. It's all about that Spotify deal. It's no coincidence he's moving now. He'll pay income tax based on his state of residence for that contract as he won't be traveling to do podcasts. I don't blame him but I know if I was a multi millionaire I'd want to live in a place with better scenery and quality of life than anywhere in Texas outside of SPI
  14. Yeah all that's bullshit. He's about to start that massive Spotify deal and he's moving to Texas because no state income tax. Simple as that. It's not about freedoms or traffic or covid (seriously??? Haha) or homeless. If it was about that he'd move out in the sticks on the beaches of Cali where you don't deal with that stuff much. It's all about greed.
  15. This is why continued global economic reliance is important for everyone. We've also shown China that we are fractured at the seams and about the most susceptible nation on the planet to a biological attack. Just this coronavirus is breaking us down worse than just about every other developed country.
  16. With affective polarization and a death cult of lies being one of the 2 political parties the horrible shit Americans have to deal with it just getting started. It'll come at a faster rate the steeper the decline in American civilization.
  17. The destruction of necessary and successful American safety regulations and institutions is accelerating. How much longer before we have to worry about tainted food and water at pre-New Deal levels?
  18. That's terrible. Then you have to factor in the numbers for high school aged kids. Then figure hospitalization rates for these groups. Then hospitalization and mortality rate for the millions of adult teachers and school employees who will be exposed. There's zero upside to this. It'll kill and seriously harm many people and will further delay any recovery economic or otherwise
  19. Except the rush to reopen killed the economy further and ensured a prolong economic hit. Opening schools will do the same thing. Schools across the country will open, 50+ million kids and another 7-8 million teachers/workers/bus drivers will rapidly get exposed, a massive surge in cases resulting in busting the health care system even worse with a ton of hospitalizations and several kid deaths within a month or so. Then it all gets shut back down and goes online. how many times do people have to burn their hand at the Republican stove to know they will get you fucking killed.
  20. His closeted homosexual racist dipshit uncle already is.
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