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Wanker Bob

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Everything posted by Wanker Bob

  1. College football is going to happen. There's just way too much money in it. They'll set a schedule with no OOC games so the conference can better regulate testing and reduce travel and it'll happen.
  2. Make it temporarily illegal to accept a Texas DL for any accomodations, rentals, or anything really. Wonder how that could go down
  3. The death of tens of thousands of Texans means absolutely nothing to Abbott other than what effect it could have on his political career. He's a sociopath of the highest order. Selfishness to the max.
  4. Won't matter when 30 to 40 percent of the country are too dug in to even admit it's a real problem and about 97 percent of the country couldn't afford to go two weeks with getting some work pay. Couple that with a government unwilling to financially help its own people other than throwing an occasional picked dry bone here and there and it means whatever the worst thing this virus can do to us is... we will get it.
  5. The day republicans are experts at anything other than racism, hypocrisy, and stealing let me know.
  6. Manslaughter or negligent homicide at least
  7. Arkansas hates Alabama. Wisconsin's favorite state is Minnesota? There's zero chance
  8. It's not about whether you kneel. It's about whether you infringe on the rights of people who do kneel. If you don't want people to fuck with you for not kneeling don't fuck with people who do kneel. That's all this shit is really about. For some reason the people screaming about rights only want the rights for things they believe in. They constantly infringe on rights of those who believe the opposite or differently than them. So in summation if you aren't protesting then don't kneel. Just don't be a dick and respect the right to protest for those that do.
  9. Sorry fellas I'm in a very very frustrated and bad mood today. I'm going to check out and let you carry on with your celebration. Have fun
  10. So you think wiping out an entire indigenous people in pure genocide just because they didn't like the way the ol' King was treating them is "better than what came before it"? I bet the native Americans don't think so. The world has improved because of technological advances and America had a big part in that. But now it's regressing into the dark ages of stupidity, and pardon those of us that do not wish to celebrate this incredibly dangerous and destructive transformation. Again, go celebrate because your corporate and political masters expect you to. Be a good pawn.
  11. Yes, celebrate. Celebrate the 3rd world polarized shit hole that can't even handle a virus without completely quitting. Celebrate. Because your corporate masters expect it.
  12. Now that's just stupid. Yeah, you can field a team with nothing but white players and the black players who only come because no one else wanted them, but you aren't winning anything like that ever.
  13. No, I'm not talking about what's right or what's okay. I'm talking about reality, and the reality is if you don't want to risk pissing off a highly specialized labor community you rely on and cannot replace then you're going to have to make sacrifices to keep them happy. At least sacrifices comparable to the rest of your competition. If other competitors are changing in ways that are perceived to remove racism and you refuse to change in a way that is perceived racist by this specialized labor force then you risk not having the ability to be competitive. Are you really willing to risk being blackballed by the highest levels of talent from this specialized and unreplaceable labor force over a song? That is what the University administration is having to consider. I don't know whether the song has racist tones in it's lyrics or not, and neither do you because neither of us were there when it was created. We are going off of stories that could have been manipulated. But even if there are no racist tones in the lyrics the fact that your specialized labor force believe so means you may have to change it anyway. I know it's tough for White America to understand but sometimes you have to make sacrifices even if you are right.
  14. No shit. Being so hard line in the sand about a song when you have almost zero leverage against an entire community you 100 percent rely on for fielding a competitive team is the epitome of spoiled white privilege. I hope the black community boycotts this University and athletic programs if they're really that stupid about it. Just change the damn song and keep the unpaid highly specialized labor force you rely on and can't replace at least somewhat happy.
  15. I'm sure being universally recognized as a gigantic racist institution who refuses to change a racist song by the black community in America will do wonders for talent acquisition to actually be good at football or basketball or any sport that anyone gives enough of a shit to make revenue again. Sometimes even if you are correct and have truth on your side you have to make sacrifices in order to get/keep a job, keep out of jail on wrongful charges, or in this case keep the ability to field teams worth any kind of a shit in sports that are cash cows. I know you feel helpless and that you shouldn't have to change the way you do things because you are right. Well, welcome to what it's like being a minority in America. Choose between being right or the ability to field a competitive team. Tough shit.
  16. That sounds more like an anxiety issue than an oxygen issue
  17. I was comparing it to my tight fitting ones which back in late March I went up 3 flights of stairs and didn't think to take it off. After I got to the top I had to remove it because I was completely winded and took a while to recover. Wanted to see the difference.
  18. After realizing I had only used tight fitting heavy quilter's fabric masks and hadn't used one of those disposable white/blue masks you see everywhere I got some to try it. I put one on and ran up and back down 6 flights of stairs. Zero impairment. Those are so loose fitting and have big gaps on the sides so there's zero restrictions on breathing. Anyone using that argument is completely full of shit.
  19. Bots aren't out in our stores without masks acting like giant assholes spreading the disease. Texans are on average fucking idiots. Just have to face the facts.
  20. You would have thought his first lesson from mother nature should have humbled his corrupt ass.
  21. What a fucking idiot. All of us non idiots on here, most with zero training or relative experience in medical or government fields, easily saw this coming from a mile away and clamored for mask laws back in April. He should be rolled off the tallest building in Texas
  22. We could rake, we have the best rakes, but raking would be infringing on everyone's right to burn!
  23. It's all about personal responsibility! The people should be allowed to do whatever they wish!
  24. 50%? It's about 99.999999999999999999999999% that nothing will be done and it'll be an uncontrolled burn. The remaining fraction of a percentage point is reserved for civilization destroying asteroid, aliens, or nuclear holocaust. It's over. All that's left to do is skewer the shit out of trump and every republican that's willingly sacrificing America for nothing.
  25. Is vanilla that hard up for money that he's willing to come into one of the worst places on the planet for this virus and be front and center in front of what's bound to be many infected people? Or is he one of those idiots who think it's a hoax?
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