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Wanker Bob

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Everything posted by Wanker Bob

  1. No wonder children these days are little walking balls of anxiety. You all have shit so regimented you're institutionalizing your own kids!
  2. Hard liquor sales are barred on Sundays everywhere in Texas. Unless you were referring to bars in which case that isn't true they have bars selling hard liquor on Sundays in Abilene. Wife has family there so I've made several trips. It's a weird little town where most of the south side of it looks like it's kept up fairly well while almost the entire north side is decrepit and left to rot. Never seen another place that refuses to spend a dime on half of their town.
  3. That was back in March/April when I first started wearing these masks. I learned the hard way to take it off before hitting the stairs.
  4. You're right. I'm so used to wearing these I forgot about that kind. I haven't used one to work out but it's not unreasonable to expect it on one that fits that loosely.
  5. Maybe those super thin disposable ones with big gaps that don't protect you from much anything might be able to not hinder it. The right fitting cloth one I designed has 4 layers of different materials for maximum mechanical and electro-static filtration and that fucker wiped me out immediately.
  6. You can't wear a mask while working out on anything that gives a heart rate increase. That's why opening gyms was so damn stupid. I'm in relatively good shape and can fly up 4-5 flights of stairs like nothing without breathing any harder at all. When this first started I tried to go up 3 flights of stairs but kept the mask on and I thought I was going to pass out. Felt like I just ran a mile at 10000 ft and couldn't get my wind back for a bit
  7. That is precisely how they fuck you. I personally know over 10 people that have gotten fucked the exact same way in the last couple of months. And I don't know that many people.
  8. The titties of a pornstar. The face of that little kid from "The Middle"
  9. "And in possibly related news reports indicate oral sex has increased 89% in the last 7 days"
  10. And then he never follows through with them anyway. Always reverts back to doing nothing
  11. As bad as this pandemic is a part of me wants to see some do this just to challenge Abbott and republican hypocrisy.
  12. This is what I was thinking too then Chitowndoc said insurance companies are better off because the overall YTD drop in elective surgeries is cheaper than the cost of covid patients. I wonder where that tipping point is and if Texas is shooting past it any time soon.
  13. Your numbers off fluview weren't even the right ones for the comparison. You were comparing apples to oranges where as I was comparing apples to apples. Dahobbs already explained that, and I already said I'm going to update every week to 2 weeks to see where the numbers of pneumonia as THE PRIMARY cause of death go. So you can keep whining even though you were already shown to be wrong and make me have to copy/paste this same post over and over or you can just shut up about it.
  14. Has anyone heard a Dixie Chicks song in 15 years? They should change the name to "washed up formerly racist country white chicks"
  15. It's difficult to tell because we don't know what the usual yearly rate would be for mid May to end of May. The previous 5 yr avg for pneumonia as the primary cause of death in Texas is 3199 with a high of 3512 I believe. As of mid to end of May we are at 6303. So let's assume Texas normally hits 45 percent of it's yearly total by end of May that would be a normal avg for pneumonia deaths would be about 1440. So if that rate is close to correct we're looking at an excess of around 5k deaths over average already to this point in 2020. Of course there's variables here we don't know so it's probably safer to say a range of somewhere between 3500 and 5500 excess deaths over the normal YTD average for late May could be covid related. Either way it's a lot of people who are dying but not being counted and the gap is widening by the day.
  16. I think the last Texas pneumonia totals with approx 4 week lag I did were for June 13 so almost 2 weeks. On the 13th it was 5694 pneumonia and 1629 covid As of June 25th reporting date it's 6303 pneumonia and 2024 covid. That pneumonia rate is doubling the yearly avg and numbers probably just starting to get to the Memorial day full open. Not looking good for untested people who never made it to a hospital.
  17. Unchecked capitalism. Which we are seeing now.
  18. This is my cousin back in England. It's hard to talk to him for longer than a few minutes these days
  19. This is getting critical
  20. He keeps talking about that so you know that's exactly what they're doing. Of course having a low number of reported cases isn't going to matter when there's video and evidence everywhere of hospitals and communities being absolutely wrecked. These are the dumbest motherfuckers to ever lead anything. None of them should even be managing an Eskimohut
  21. Yeah, but really if they're caused by not being able to get a surgery they'd otherwise get if not for covid then aren't they still caused by covid?
  22. It's America so of course really fat people all of a sudden not getting bariatric surgery would make that big of a difference but I wonder if more essential surgeries are down as well? I wonder what the life toll is on that side effect of Covid19
  23. Wow I would have thought the opposite. Do non-essential elective surgeries make that much of a difference or are even covered by insurance? Or are essential surgeries people actually need to continue living way down as well?
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