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Wanker Bob

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Everything posted by Wanker Bob

  1. Even a police officer who does not abuse minorities or his power in general but stands by and watches while others do it and doesn't whistleblow and call for punishment is still a bad cop. In that respect I think the overwhelming majority, and I'm talking probably 95% plus, are complicit. The police culture of thin blue line and us-against-them is what needs to be regulated out of police forces before anything can change. Any officer that witnesses wrongdoing by a fellow officer and doesn't report it should be criminally and civilly held liable for that officer's actions. The same for any police chief or captain who does the same and covers up reports from officers or even worse retaliates against them for them.
  2. At this point he's completely incapable of calming anything because everybody knows what a racist white supremacist piece of shit he is. The best thing he could do is just disappear and not say anything. Everything else will only cause more problems.
  3. Rioting and destroying random buildings doesn't do anything constructive for positive change. King's passive non violent ways have also shown to do nothing for positive change. The times in American history where positive change was achieved was through both non violent public information campaigns for the cause tied to very coordinated and targeted violence and disruption against the head of the snake. Looting a random chick fil a or target does nothing. Targeting the heads of chick fil a and target while hijacking and destroying their supply trucks would get attention. The violence can't be random. It has to be targeted and swift and the message has to be this is for positive change.
  4. And give up their discriminatory oppression of minorites lawfully exercising their gun rights. Most of the gun-control discussion from before was centered around assault weapons and AR-15s and not really shotguns and hunting rifles. And most of it was about preventing firearms from landing in the hands of the mentally disturbed.
  5. They should have told Trump to go ahead and head outside and show them how to dominate protesters himself instead of hiding in an underground bunker like a little bitch.
  6. Anyone who was pissed at Kaepernick then... Is not with the protesters now.
  7. Great, now the trump "oh I was just joking" garbage when caught saying something retarded.
  8. My numbers came straight from the CDC. I provided the links to the CDC pages. Get off your lazy ass and check them yourself it only takes a few minutes since I provided it all for you. Posting a link from a month ago from the AAS where they aren't even comparing or discussing pneumonia deaths at all and aren't giving any official direct source links for their numbers is bullshit. You didn't address any of my data. Once again. Do the math I provided for you. The numbers are there. Texas is out pacing it's pneumonia deaths by thousands to this point in 2020. It isn't the flu. It isn't colds. Those are around every year. The only thing different is Covid19 and grossly underreporting covid19 deaths by most likely more than half is criminal. You republican fucks have cold hard facts slapping you in the face like a giant dick and you just keep spouting bullshit in circles to avoid facing the fact you're wrong.
  9. Talk about completely unsubstantiated BS. Gonna need a factual data there. On the 2nd point the most likely cause of the huge spike in misdiagnosed pneumonia deaths is people who aren't making it to a hospital and are dying outside a hospital. Those deaths don't figure into hospital beds or ICU capacity but are very relevant to the danger this virus poses.
  10. I spelled it out using research I did myself and provided the CDC links to it. Follow the directions I give and see for yourself. It isn't bullshit. The CDC numbers spell it out. If you have a factual rebuttal then provide but otherwise your opinion isn't helpful when I've provided facts.
  11. The official data you're using aren't good. The data is faulty and under-reporting deaths by over double the amount. Just admit that you don't give a shit what the actual data is and you just want to believe what you want to believe.
  12. Considering the state didn't go full wild west reopen until Memorial day and the YTD data is through May 29 you can consider virtually all of it as "pre-policy period". It will be easy to do the same evaluation for any point in time going forward and deduct the May 29 YTD numbers to get data on which to evaluate. That said, it's still extremely fucked up and wrong for these Covid deaths to be hidden from public knowledge. If this is happening in every state like the data seems to suggest we could be looking at being close to if not over 200k deaths right now.
  13. How is it not relevant? Potentially more than double the amount of people are dying from the virus in Texas than are being officially reported. Many if not all of whom are not making it to hospitals presumably because of a lack of insurance or overall cost. That makes the virus far more dangerous and deadlier to the population than is being reported and people have a right to know just how dangerous and at risk their lives are as they make decisions about what risk to take. That information should definitely be taken into account when deciding reopening decisions as well as judging just how many casualties those decisions are leading to.
  14. From the figures there's vast amounts of underreporting of CV deaths which means the virus is far deadlier than the official numbers are letting on. That's a huge problem. People are making decisions based on numbers that are faulty and give a false sense of security. I don't know how much of this can be attributed to nefarious intent on the local or state level. I tend to believe this is a part of the testing suppression taken by the trump administration and republicans. From what I can tell the official numbers come from coroner reports and with the lack of testing for the living virtually zero if not actually zero tests are being used on the dead that were never tested while alive. Therefore due to lack of testing these dead are being classified as "pneumonia" and probably other causes by coroner's offices. The numbers for pneumonia are startling alone but so far I've not found the data for "unknown causes" or other similar categories to compare to prior years data. I think the masses of dead never making it to a hospital and never getting tested are the covered up casualties of this virus no one is acknowledging.
  15. Those graphs aren't taking into account all the covid deaths Texas is hiding as "pneumonia"
  16. Good Lord he chooses now to say something? So while Rodney King was getting gang fucked by multiple cops and he was just starting to win championships it was different because murderous cops buy sneakers too, right? You had the chance to make a difference and you chose the oppressors' money to keep the status quo. You don't get to have a conscious now.
  17. Seems to take awhile but maybe the process is speeding up....1860's,1960's and maybe 2020??? 60 years later and the faces and names of the evil oppressors have changed but the fight and struggle remains the same. Out with Nixon. In with trump. Any modicum of progress gained is quickly reversed within 4- 8 years. Playing by the rules won't ever change the game.
  18. If the president and attny general want a fight then the only option is guerilla warfare style tactics hitting heads of industry and disrupting business across the us in every possible industry. Make trump and barr's masters fear for their lives after seeing their corporate billionaire colleagues go down, and make their financial interests suffer. The actions of the police in America and the federal government leaves no other avenue for justice. With 40 million adults out of work and the country in absolute chaos there has never been a better time to strike at the head of the snake than right now.
  19. We know the republicans will continue to hit hard with voter suppression. Closing voting stations where minorities live in red controlled states and districts. We need to launch the biggest mail in ballot campaign possible. If it's safe to go to voting stations we need buses transporting them to vote and back from their neighborhoods. We need to make this about removing the evil oppression of the party of trump that has caused so much pain and suffering.
  20. Yes, but it wasn't American police and I'm not black or hispanic so I'm still alive.
  21. It's amazing how not acting like a conquering force and overall giant asshole goes a long way towards people not wanting to attack you. It's also nice to see shit hole places and oppressive authoritarian regimes around the world mocking the US for being fucked up.
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