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Wanker Bob

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Everything posted by Wanker Bob

  1. And of course he's a major instigator causing it to get out of control. During the Ferguson riots this could have happened but the president and fed where are front and center in calming the insanity. Now the president is actively throwing gasoline on the fire and going a long way to endangering the lives of millions of citizens as well as the police he supposedly supports. In the end though the police have a lot of control over this situation. If they come out and renounce the murdering brutality cops and pledged to work towards better culture of weeding out brutal cops then their jobs in time would get a whole lot easier and less dangerous. Police have always relied on support from the public that vastly outnumbers them yet they've gone out of their way to alienate a large percentage of the country. They deserve the danger they are in now.
  2. Everyone needs to flood DC right now. Get millions in the streets ready to rip Trump limb from limb.
  3. Saw it in the drive in movie last Saturday night. Have your lights off because almost the entire movie takes place in darkness. Short, about 1 hr 20 min but well done old school suspense.
  4. not all white people are born with silver spoons and $75 million in the bank from their daddy. They may not be getting targeted by cops for brutality but a lot of them are poor and marginalized in other ways and pissed off.
  5. I agree that would be ideal but it would require the politicians to regulate themselves and change the laws that will limit their own power which isn't going to happen on it's own. I was viewing it from the perspective of what the people can do to enact change and the only possible way I could think of in this political culture would be to make the big money interests that control politicians uncomfortable enough to comply with your request of them just to get their businesses running normally again. How many people and how much force would it take is the question.
  6. Honestly, the power in America is with corporations. They own the lobbies. They own campaign finance. They own the politicians. That speaker in the video posted earlier called out Target and AutoZone for being culpable by sitting by and doing nothing while this injustice keeps happening. She's on the right track. If change at the top is to happen have to make the corporations get on board to avoid having more trouble and damage caused to their businesses. Publicly shame corporations and demand their lobbyists press politicians for change and cause large enough damage to their business if they don't. Publicly go after the powerful insurance lobby who's companies will be on the hook for tons of damage until they get involved and use their control over politicians to force changes in the law. Forcing corporate America to have to respond is literally the only way at this point in America's oligopoly.
  7. Unfortunately Mike Ehrmantraut taught us that just gets your fellow cops to let you get gunned down or gun you down themselves and make it look like you died in the line of duty. The reform has to come from the very top down with changes to the laws that govern cops and forced enforcement of these laws. But as long as the white establishment runs the United States that's never going to change.
  8. I'm not an expert on government reporting so if I'm making a mistake here let me know but that 2nd CDC link put has pneumonia Texas deaths at 4976 through May 29 while this one I found (click download data csv at bottom) has the total YEARLY pneumonia deaths for Texas as: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/flu_pneumonia_mortality/flu_pneumonia.htm 2018 - 3516 2017 - 2954 2016 - 2860 2015 - 3214 2014 - 3452 That's a 5 yr average of 3199/yr for the entire year and we've already by May 29th hit 4976? I know it slows in the summer but it picks back up again in Oct-Dec and to be 1777 deaths over the yearly average by May 29 means this state is probably underreporting CV deaths by at least 1900 - 2k to this point, right?
  9. Here's the CDC search pages. I've tried to verify them for Texas but it won't work on mobile because won't let me de-select "all" option on multiple fields. If somebody wants to do it on their computer and post what they find that would be cool. 2013-2018 numbers page: https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/datarequest/D76;jsessionid=9A10F77D0F70C39996D102FD1032F06E The chart showing Texas pneumonia deaths through 5/29/20 as 4976 pneumonia and 517 pneumonia and covid combined for 5493 total: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm
  10. It was so predictable that red states would be vastly underreporting coronavirus deaths that we talked weeks ago about how to circumvent their corruption and get a real number idea. Merely classifying them as pneumonia deaths is extremely lazy even for republicans. It'll be very easy to see just how bad this is, and if those numbers are correct and representative of the nation we're pushing 200k easily right now.
  11. Or if the left acted like the right and police there would be a planned shooting of a cop at one of those white supremacist rallies to spark it off.
  12. Where are all the gun toting white supremacist "open up" protestors at now? Why aren't they still out there because their favorite bar can only have 25 Percent capacity? I thought they wanted confrontation?
  13. Do these charges happen without the police precinct being overrun and burning?
  14. One exists! I may need to reevaluate my assertion that Arby's is a front for drug/sex trafficking
  15. When did Florida open up? I would think the May and June numbers will be the ones to watch. Then compare to April numbers when things were mostly still shut down and people were mostly still cautious. But still, an extra say 300-400 deaths a week can reasonably be contributed to the pandemic there in April, and possibly more as with things shut down other causes likely decreased for the month. If that holds for other states we're talking tens of thousands of unreported deaths that could be attributed to the virus.
  16. I argued with a colleague that the American system of having a DA responsible for bringing charges/prosecuting cops that he so clearly depends upon to bring cases to his office is a massive conflict of interest and there should be a sort of "internal affairs" independent branch of the govt who is responsible for keeping cops in line and investigating/charging/prosecuting cops. To me that's a major flaw in the American system. As a lawyer what's your take on it?
  17. I mean, what did they really loot and destroy? Police station? They deserved it. AutoZone? O'Reilly's is far superior anyway Arby's? Who still eats at Arby's?
  18. Remember the days when we usually just read about this 3rd world garbage happening in actual 3rd world countries? Well, guess turning the supposedly conservative political branch of a government into a death cult then choosing a maniacal idiot to lead it leads to 3rd world garbage.
  19. This is 100 percent the fault of law enforcement. Here in Dallas when I first moved here the cops in downtown got killed during the protest but the Dallas PD handled themselves the right way. They didn't go on the warpath and incite the wrath of the masses. They did what they could to diffuse. Same thing ended up happening with the Amber Guyger horrific situation. Tensions got high but the PD diffused and the DAs office eventually did the right thing. If Minneapolis doesn't antagonize and act like they're SS or gestapo this doesn't get this bad.
  20. How much does it take for everyone to realize how insanely broken this country truly is.
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