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Wanker Bob

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Everything posted by Wanker Bob

  1. I guess but having another impeachment trial and then a prosecution risks the appearance to Joe blow american idiot of persecution of trump. Especially since the senate republicans won't convict on this due to political bullshit. He needs to be nailed to the wall for his crimes in criminal court at this point. That's the most important thing.
  2. That's what I was saying. At this point why is this even involving impeachment? This should be in the hands of the DOJ and Garland to prosecute Trump and his conspirators in federal court.
  3. https://www.npr.org/2021/02/01/962246187/spurred-by-the-capitol-riot-thousands-of-republicans-drop-their-party They're becoming the party of low intelligence, low education, racist morons
  4. Hey Cletus, that mini computer you and everyone else carry in their pockets everywhere is already broadcasting your location at all times. They don't need to microchip anything.
  5. Of course it is. It's not even close. I enjoy NFL, NHL, European Football, and even college basketball far more than I did college football. Mlb, cfb, and nba are unwatchable for me.
  6. If they hired Odenkirk to go full Saul character in Congress I'd watch every second. If the country is going to continue to die at this fast rate let's go ahead and make it as entertaining as possible.
  7. It's something I can't believe most of the celebrities didn't do a long ass time go. Go buy a house in Texas or Florida or Washington to establish residence and just rent in LA and spend most of your time there.
  8. And that's fine, but then he shouldn't go and make up bullshit about he's leaving because of the oppressive leftist culture and traffic and all that shit. He was fine with all of that until it came time to get a $120 million windfall. Don't be a liar, just move and don't address it at all if you don't want to say what the real reason is. It's obvious so anyone with a brain can figure it out anyway, and by lying about it so blatantly it kills any chance he has at any credibility.
  9. Early on in his podcast there were times he got confrontational with people if he didn't think what they were saying made sense or was that it was straight bullshit. But then he stopped doing it and I imagine he figured out it'll be damn hard to book podcast guests anyone wants to listen to if you get the reputation of a confrontational interviewer. People like Musk don't want to come on and worry about being called out for horrific labor practices and such. It's terrible journalism but he made a business decision. That's why he became useless to me, and not that I fault him for it, but once he made the decision to see it as a business and not what he started it out as it just became a giant infomercial avenue for anyone out there peddling anything or combating public perception issues. There can be no credibility in that.
  10. I never had a problem with Rogan because he would have dumb shit and dumbasses on his podcast but he'd also have some pretty good interviews with people like Neil deGrasse Tyson and Sean Carroll all the while making it clear that outside of combat sports and comedy he didn't know shit about government, politics, or much else. I'm thinking the massive success from the podcast caused him to lose sight of that and all of a sudden he started thinking he's an expert on way more things than he ever should simply because he talks to a few smart people here and there. It also didn't help when the crazies he would have on went from being just nutters to dangerous criminals attacking normal people and violently trying to overthrow the government and he failed to completely distance himself from them and condemn their acts. He went from a somewhat entertaining regular dude with idiot friends to a dangerous propaganda spreading scourge on society who became very disingenuous like when he completely lied about leaving California to avoid paying state income tax on that 120 million dollar Spotify deal.
  11. I'm about as ignorant on tax code as just about anything. Since the culture of America as already set up for excess and spending what's the reason why abolishing federal income taxes and instituting a federal sales tax wouldn't work? Seems it would be cleaner and the IRS can turn away from hounding regular citizens and turn to focusing on corporations and business paying correctly the tax they collect from pass through cost. That said I'm sure there's something I'm not considering
  12. Somewhere John Calipari feels just a little bit safer
  13. Eventually some are going to bail and make the money while blowing it all up.
  14. Yeah somebody is going to make the money. But I don't think it's the majority of the people causing this to happen. This was initiated off of a sense of anarchy and lulz.
  15. That's the rub. the people who are blowing up these hedge funds aren't doing it to make money for themselves. They're doing it for the satisfaction of blowing up hedge funds. They're willing to take financial losses to stick it up the rich evil fucks asses. That sort of motivation isn't exactly accounted for in financial markets.
  16. Is anybody else getting the feeling we're begging hard for October of 1929?
  17. If all the trumpy people were to finally realize that Trump was nothing but a charlatan and banded together with their sane brothers and sisters to stop fighting each other over republican vs democrat and racism then go after the big money assholes and the politicians who enable them this shit could get really crazy.
  18. Big evil greedy sheep make bet old, decrepit sheep about to die. Other regular sheep who hate big evil greedy sheep take bet and start giving old decrepit sheep tons of growth hormone. Old decrepit sheep get big and strong. Big evil greedy sheep go crying to farmer that other regular sheep make him lose.
  19. Kind of makes me wish we had Bernie or somebody in the White House who would go full gangster on big corporations and political corruption and every time the Republicans whined just say "well you let Trump do whatever he wanted so we're letting Bernie too."
  20. Is that to protect them from republican Planned Parenthood style bombings?
  21. "So this is how you beat your 30 years you piece of shit?" They just signed this guy's death warrant. No way the members of that idiot racist fan club can now think he isn't an undercover federal plant. Well they are supremely stupid so I guess there is a small chance if he can convince them Q sent him instead.
  22. Sooooo... When are y'all gonna sissor?
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