No problems with athletes being confident in their abilities. But it's customary to prove those abilities on the field before running off at the mouth.
In general, there's a whole lotta bravado coming from LSU players, fans and media going into this game. On paper, LSU is about a year ahead of Texas in terms stacking the roster with talent and having upperclassmen starting across the board. LSU is favored and all that. Perhaps that's where all this is coming from. But, if there's some thought LSU is gonna walk in here and just dominate a game against this Texas program it's misplaced. Those with this thought might want to do some research. Herman coaches a tough, very physical team and they don't get blown out. LSU may very well win the game, but it's very likely to go the distance and be up for grabs late in the game. Those types of games usually come down to two things: Conditioning and QB play. I'm sure LSU is well-conditioned. I know we are. This leaves QB play late in the game. Which QB would you rather have with the game on the line?