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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Magabro

  1. I was at my aggy BIL's place a year ago when they lost to Miami and he was crowing that Weigman was definitely That Guy and only Jimbo's stupidity kept them from winning the game.
    This spring & summer he was telling me that if Weigman remained healthy he was a shoe-in for NYC and a first round NFL draft grade. 
    Last night he sent me 3 texts in the 2nd half simply saying "Weigman sucks."
    Same as it ever was.

    You should have sent him the receipts
  2. I talked to one of my buddies for a bit this afternoon and what I'm about to pass on makes a lot more sense. 
    Deboer has certainly entered the chat in weird and uncomfortable ways with everyone, so part of the activities are his. This includes casting aside a healthy chunk of infrastructure and off field personnel immediately. It includes appearing to almost run off numerous players immediately, including and obviously Sayin. There's more turmoil with the roster happening shortly, most believe. Cool.
    More people were laid off yesterday who were part of Saban's machine and inner circle, in addition to the stuff in the news. This was done by the AD, Byrne, who was direct about it. He hasn't been able to deal with anything in the football operations since he got there, which is "not right" for an AD, and he's going to earn his paycheck now by shaking things up. Deboer agreed to let him pare things the way he sees fit in order to be able to hire who he wants and pay no regard to what he's inherited. 
    Byrne's playing a big part in everything. I couldn't help but laugh. It sounds like a total dumpster fire. It also sounds like Byrne may be trying to handle the donor side of things himself, which isn't crazy at places like Texas, but hasn't been how it's been done with Saban at Bama.
    Saban had a bunch of people on staff who played key roles in handling players off the field and keeping players happy and out of trouble. That entire group of staff was laid off by Byrne almost immediately and described as "unnecessary". 
    My friends are friends and former coworkers with the Bama people at Texas and my friend working at Bama is considered one of the pioneers in their field for college athletics. Who knows what the future holds, I guess? 
    [mention=192]SydneyCarton[/mention] and I will be playing golf next month with our buddy who doesn't work at Bama but has been deeply involved with their program and the money players associated to it for years. Maybe we can get them to loosen up and tell us some good stuff to pass on here. 

    Take my $9.95!!!!!!
    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. yeah, again. their managing partner is shit and not very good at his job.
    i think joe is fine, but that's me and he doesn't bother me.
    they start all these videos with "welcome to inside texas football powered by inside texas dot com" which is just terrible. yeah, dumbasses. we are on your channel and clicked on this video. we know who it is.
    they brought on additional dudes to help with video but have still not highlighted who they are. their videos don't highlight who is even on the video so if i like the guy on the left in these screenshots below how do i find out who he is or go see more of his content? the prime example of this is that they brought in the holifield guy to help with production (but he's front of camera talent now) who does pretty solid video stuff but haven't put out anything that he's part of the team? all that's out there is his own video?
    and since someone needs to call them out directly: wells and ian boyd need to get their shit together on just a basic level video wise. having a bland ass wall as your background in 2023 when you are doing video professionally is embarrassing.
    this is bad:
    this is worse in every possible way:
    this is all stuff that the managing partner of a website that's halfway worth a damn does or at least sees.
    if you do anything for a living that includes video and you are using that terrible lighting, the potato webcam that is on your laptop and use the worst possible angles - you should stick to writing and let people who give even a tiny bit of a damn about it do that part of things for you.
    hey eric, since you appear to need someone to do your job for you:
    • go send these guys a halfway decent camera setup
    • go send these guys almost any USB mic (not even a good one!)
    • go send these guys even a $10 ring light from amazon
    • go pay someone $5 on fiverr to make a digital background with the IT logo on it instead of having people shoot videos for your channel that look like it's a hostage video if i mute the audio
    just do the absolute minimum so that your videos looks even halfway professional instead of some hacked together show from 2012 that was you screenrecording skype from your parent's basement. you can ask holifield for some product recommendations, he knows his stuff.
    ...or don't, and keep looking like the unprofessional shitshow that you are and have been for a long time.
    look, if your content sucks, at least make sure your video quality is slightly above the absolute minimum of "oh shit, it's spring break 2020, COVID just hit and we have never used zoom before" levels. because that's pretty consistently half of the folks on the videos on your channel.

    thats the landon holifield on the left and wells
    that's wells and nahlin
    holifield and wells
    drew kelson and ian boyd, who have no even basic knowledge of each other - Ian asks if Drew has kids "yet" and Drew says he has an 8 year old and a 5 year old lol
    joe cook and nahlin
    they actually used to put in who they were in the info area of the post and on their videos, for their first one at least but not until they were like a third of the way into their video for some wild reason.

    is all of this petty? for sure.
    is it all also 100% true? for sure.

    Hostage video lmao
  4. Louisville has the best defense FSU has seen this season outside of Duke who was beating FSU in the fourth quarter with a gimpy starter and lost it with a horrific true freshman late. Florida State is going to have to play an A+ defensive game because they will not be able to score on Louisville the way they did on Northern Alabama.

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