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Tex Long

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About Tex Long

  • Birthday 04/04/1943

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  1. The idea that the a spring game gives tamperers too much of a look doesn't really seem all that big a deal. Maybe it's more that players might be more tamperable because of not getting to play a big role, and looking for that playing time.
  2. It just keeps getting "better". Has this stupid fucker been fired yet?
  3. Whose job is it, then? Regardless, you'd think the fucker would be familiar enough with the road, which he presumably drives ten times a week, to refrain from driving into the water. Apparently you'd be wrong, though.
  4. Too much information. On another issue, I'm fairly certain I've never had a full massage while other than sky-clad. I'm also fairly certain I've never actually commanded my penis to erect itself... not successfully, at least.
  5. Where was the flood gauge, back where he went in? Fucking highway department. I've been saved twice by seeing a flood gauge showing 3 or 4 feet of water at a low crossing.
  6. Let me know if they're playing in Van Horn.
  7. Adductors upper attachment is pretty deep in the growin' area. Nothing short of a porno thong gonna give the masseur - or masseuse - access. Wouldn't be a problem, but who among us actually owns one?
  8. Not impressed. If he could raise the Hawg Blanket, different story.
  9. All 48 hours of it? At the rate he's trashing his life, one eyeblink and you miss it. No gloss needed,
  10. Well... I never said it aloud, but when comparing choices of two evils, it definitely has occurred to me.
  11. No shit, my first thought was "Holy shit, somebody's making plastic-coated claymores!"
  12. There's a reason for the phrase "shitty end of the stick"...
  13. Of course taping is going to limit mobility. I think that's the point, right. Tape has no compressional strength to speak of, but it has plenty in tension, and adhering it to the structure provides at least some protection from it being pulled apart. I'm surprised that protection is not significant. From your understanding, it seems that taping ankles is a waste of time and money. Someone should let the schools know, and put a stop to it.
  14. Sounds like something a scumbag lawyer would say.
  15. Not a doctor - well, not of medicine - but I am an engineer. I'm having problem differentiating biomechanics from mechanics in general. Unless athletic tape has changed drastically in adhesive and shear strength since days of yore, it seems unlikely that the effectiveness of taping would have little effect. Of course, we were taped directly on the skin, rather than over socks and even shoes, so that likely factors in. At least, we gained an appreciation for pains encountered by the girls when shaving legs - as far as up as the tape would be going up. This. This seems to be true.
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