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Tex Long

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Everything posted by Tex Long

  1. Not to mention hearing the laminations of their women...
  2. There is no such thing as "bad juju". Juju, quite simply, is. Juju may be favorable or unfavorable toward you, but that is up to Jobu, not to you. Your only course is to do whatever you can to placate Jobu. If you don't know how to do that, just observe Surliness in action and follow. By the way, hatred of 0U is unlimited and cannot be mitigated or lessened by other forms and targets of hatred, so feel free to hate what and whom you will, when you will.
  3. You just look over there at that bulldog not getting gored and then the players you know they didn't want to be there then and then they probly don't want to be here now so it's just bad for them and it's hard to hate them for being unhappy and scared to death about playing against number 3 there and for sure not number sixteen that he's got that four or five cars worth of wheelers. You know?
  4. This guy. Damn, I want to like him, But his schtick from slick end to ragged end makes it difficult. I was going to write hard, but I heard a voice over my shoulder say "Phrasing".
  5. Polydactyl Surlyite is mos' def a Band Name winner.
  6. If you're using chrome (at least on Win 10/11), the "Just Read" extension not only cleans up horrible layouts and colors, but also ignores most paywalls. Worth a try.
  7. I met a hemp-lit buckle bunny in Austin She tried to take me outside for a ride She pinned me right against her F250 But I just can't seem to smoke you off my mind. (With apologies to Keef and Mick, and to Gram, who probably wrote it in the first place.)
  8. You just look at Dyook over there, and The Elk built them up so well that now they can win even with a castoff quarterback from t.u.
  9. Tex Long

    Getting old sucks

    My first birthday.
  10. Yeah. No. Maybe 0U gets 4 TDs, if Gabriel transfers back and Nansen leaves. Maybe.
  11. This is one of the least inspiring potential mottoes we've seen around here. Sometimes things aren't mejor que nada...
  12. And Stevie: Have you any dreams you'd like to sell? Dreams of loneliness like a heartbeat drives you mad, in the stillness of remembering what you had, and what you lost, and what you had... oh, what you lost.
  13. Hey, Tarheels, everything you need to know can be summed up in just four words: Charlie Strong is available.
  14. WRONG. There are only two correct answers to her question: 1) "Huhhhh?" 2) "Did you say 'blowjob'?"
  15. Super pleased at the outcome of the Mack-_iaz bowl. Big kudos to Maalik. Oh, and - because it cannot be said too often - Fuck Mack.
  16. You've spelt "couch" incorrectly.
  17. Nice one. More Effective Slime is a dual-threat objective, Band Name as well as Surly Motto.
  18. Wait... I thought we had moved on, to "dis-housificated" (hyphen optional).
  19. When Helicopter Dad and Coach Dad are the same Person
  20. I'm late to the party - as often happens - but, yeah, even barely into page 2 it should be plenty obvious to all of us that one of the parties is lying... or at least very much mistaken. I don't much give fuck which one of them is lying, there is a problem showing up, and it's one we all knew is there - it's just sort of surprising it hadn't already shown up during the actual season. Sometimes you feel like you gotta pick a side, and sometimes you feel like you need to wait until you figure out who's lying. But sometimes you just want to hope for an asteroid to hit.
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