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Tex Long

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Everything posted by Tex Long

  1. Absolutely. I think it's telling that he's a LB guy, as is PK. One of my hopes for the season ahead is that we show really, really well on D... and PK gets a HC job. And he takes Joseph and Gideon with him.
  2. You wrote "starts", not "first half". You followed that up with babble about second half and Q4, overall. Note that I didn't disagree with "starts" at all, nor did I disagree with "overall", I simply pointed out that the very last game did not see an excellent second half nor Q4. The "overall" argument is meaningless - we could see an excellent overall year and go 8-4 without invalidating "overall"... and still be less than ecstatic about it.
  3. Scrolled by so quickly, I read that as "soggy AD". Scrolled back up, and photo confirmed.
  4. Because they couldn't spell "Duke" and neither could he?
  5. Davis looks like the kind of guy you could play at that HB/WingBack/BlockingBack spot, where everyone is sure his only real job is pass pro, although your shift might put him at RB, or... he can brush the rusher and slip behind him and be totally unaccounted for by the D. Hit that a couple of times early, and the D is compromised. It could happen.
  6. I believe People of the Republic prefer "trousers", but only when they don't have to speak.
  7. What are you on about? You said "overall", my reply was just pointing out that the last game did not fall within that realm. It's unfortunate that you don't get it, and/or that you feel the need to believe that "overall" is magically proof that one game didn't matter... but it did. If it makes you feel better, post more statistics. Or maybe you can blame Sark for poor play calling or for not riding PK hard enough for having a less than excellent pass D. Buck up, trooper - things look good for the upcoming season. Well... as long as we don't have all our RBs injured.
  8. Paging Marshal Zhukov. Marshall Zhukov to the Maroon Courtesy Phone.
  9. Not merely a singular game. The last game we played, and the most important game of the year. In which we - and our QB1 - did NOT have an excellent game. We didn't just get shut out in Q3, we got trampled. That's on the D and on the O. Blue fumbled in Q4, not Q3. Baxter's not playing this season. I'm pretty sure I didn't blame the fumbles on Ewers. Neither QB1 nor the whole team would grade that last game as "excellent", although - as I said - the season was indeed excellent, and we expect that to be repeated.
  10. There is no question here, dumb or otherwise. An all-timer.
  11. Walked in on wife watching that shit from Paris. First words outta my mouth: "Failed Karate Kid imitation?"
  12. Tex Long

    Getting old sucks

    +1 for sittopee in the dark in mid-night hours. +1 for pee off porch (downwind or no wind). add pee in sink when not seen by she who must be obeyed (thanks, Rumpole).
  13. And yet you feel the need to respond. My work here is well done, and good, solely on that basis. Thank you for allowing the InterNet to collect another factoid about you.
  14. The last half and Q4 were not excellent. We got two Q3 possessions and made a grand total of eight or nine yards, with a fumble and a penalty, and a whole 2+ minutes of control, whilte UW kept the ball for 21 minutes and scored 10. Q4 was a little bit better, but we did our too-often red-zone fade and settled for a FG, got the ball back because UW was trying to run out the clock out, and the last drive was 9 passes with 3 complete (one of them for a loss), and the last 3 hit the ground. Be fair, it was a better finish than we had hoped for at the sta of the season, but the end was not pleasant. All that said, I expect as good or better outcome this season. So should all of us.
  15. Lotta words to come up with a new motto for texags: Snuff the Rooster I think better would be Sniff the Rooster texags needs to offer a maroon t-shirt with that on it.
  16. Don't like going 0-fer in any class at any position.
  17. Are we saying south austin's mom is possibly a karst? Asking because not a geologist...
  18. Two things about this: 1) 10mm sockets are the tits 2) you can't have too many sockets oh, and there are times when a 10mm socket won't do, and you need an open end wrench or a box wrench. no, an adjustable ("crescent") wrench won't do. except in an emergency. like installing a drink holder in your shower.
  19. Imbecilic troglodyte has a nice ring to it, think I'll try to work it into my everyday convos. Damn, got some decent candidates for band names, mottoes, and I don't know whatall. Plenty esotercism, but too many syllables for those. By all means, work them into everyday life, particularly if the can be referenced to wives, girlfriends, children, relatives, neighbors, opposing institutions, and - most of all - aggy that you encounter.
  20. That would depend on your definition of "productive". If you mean "many punts", then, yeah, errbody hopes not. If you mean "regularly punt the ball dead inside the opponents' 10-yard lines", then errbody hopes so.
  21. Did you have "Starter and freshman RB out for season by mid-August"?
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