SEC fans behavior like this remind me of Big Charlie. Was at Princeton, which is like 40 or 50 miles up the road from Philly – Big Charlie was from South Philly, and was the very image of a badass for all of his fellow yankees there. This one time I walked into a party, with Doctor E and a couple of other Texans – weren't a lot of us, and we kinda hung out together.
Big Charlie, he was about 6'1” and 225, not a little guy at all. Doctor E, on the other hand – the E was for “Enormous” - was a bit over 6'3” and 350, and that was meat, not fat. Pat him on the shoulder and it was like patting a buffalo. He was a really soft-spoken, slow-talking guy.
So, we walk in, and it's “Hey! The Texans are here!” Big Charlie seemed like he had a head start on the open bar, and he came dancing over to us and yelled “E! My man! How's it going, baby!?!” and E responded as he pretty much always did, “How...dy”. And Big Charlie kept dancing up and back, going on with “Howdy? Howdy? Everybody in Texas say “Howdy? Do they? Howdy? Howdy doody? Do they? Huh? Do they?” Doctor E said, slowly and plenty loud enough for the whole party to hear, “Naw.. Some. Times. We. Say. Get. The. Fuck. Outta. My. Face. And. Back. The. Fuck. Off. Before. I. Stomp. Your. Ass. Flat. And. Shit. All. Over. Your. Bleeding. Corpse.”
Dead silence, for about thirty seconds. Big Charlie did in fact back the fuck off with a nervous laugh or two, and we hit the bar, and the party was on.
I'm kinda expecting somewhat similar from SEC fans. We'll have all the hate we need, from old rivalries with 0U, Arkysaw, and aggy.
This gon' be good dot gif.