The post-game presser question - and the answer - is being beaten to death without rational responses... thinkable ones, but not rational.
Here's the deal: it is absolutely to be expected that such a question will be asked in such a situation. No problem with it being asked.
The best answer would have been a form of Lincoln Rileyesque lying-by-truthing, something like "Gentlemen - and Ladies - I tell you, unequivocally, that there is no truth to the rumor that Coach Vitello is going to Austin and I am going to Knoxville. I have neither the desire nor the intention of going to Knoxville. That's all I'm going to say about that. Ask me about the game we just played."
I don't fault Coach for the actual answer - even if his heart was on its way to Austin, I am certain that his mind was completely on the game, and aggy or not it was a devastating loss... hard to be angry with Coach for still being wrapped up in it less than an hour later.