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Tex Long

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Everything posted by Tex Long

  1. Dumb challenge. Do they not have screens in their dugout?
  2. Pretty snickery already.
  3. Well, well.
  4. Shoulda yanked him when he walked the next guy.
  5. Looking a LOT like the FSU game so far. See what Vols can do...
  6. By Neddy Dingo, you are right. Fuck these guys, let's keep Pierce.
  7. alexa, put another backwards k
  8. Hella catch Tenn CF
  9. you saw it
  10. Well, it happened for FSU, so...
  11. Tough to watch.
  12. game on!
  13. Here we go...
  14. Maybe. Tenn giving up 14 runs, aggy 3... wind blowing out makes Tenn dingers look good. Should be a good game.
  15. I don't recall anyone being aware of the one-game deal. I wasn't tremendously unhappy about the loss until the talking heads started in on the deal. You sure as hell were not the only one surprised.
  16. I'd call it more a brain fart total malfunction than a choke. NCAA let a TV network dictate the play, and it changed from a total double-elimination to a one-game finish. Gus (allegedly) didn't realize it was winner take all, and thought we could still come back if we lost for the first time in the tournament, and managed the game basically to save for the next game. He was wrong, and Wichita State got the trophy.
  17. Sweatergawd, summa y'all got no fucking clue about baiting a trap. Not even novice baiters, much less masters.
  18. Miz Long just walked in, showed me someone in her Texas Diehard Lawyers group posted a reply from a Tennessee native, responding to an aggy who asked "What's a 'Vol' anyway?" with "Vols are the reason your school isn't Mexico A&M, dumbass." I laughed.
  19. Didn't Gus design D-F same as Rosenblatt? I thought that was a hell of an idea. I'd like to see the new guy basically copy the new stadium - grass, fences, foul territory and all. Only makes sense to have the team be used to as near to the exact spacing as possible.
  20. Nah. I'm trying to get the sweetest tears. If they don't win it, they'll rationalize the tu conspiracy as taking a loser coach.
  21. Why would you want a coach who can't even win one game when it really counts?
  22. Probably true, assuming that by "covering" he actually means "shitting all over".
  23. I thought Bob was a white guy, no?
  24. Or start masturbating to a mascot dressed as a Furry...
  25. Can't lie, I'm pulling for aggy here. I know, I know... fuck me - but let me 'splain. It's partly Native Texan >>> Little bro hatred... and, Davy Crockett or no, as much as our little bro is a mouth-breathing livestock-fucking dipshit, and as much as he pains me to admit it... it's family. But mainly just imagining the diabeetus-inducing sweetness of the aggy tears as the guy who brung 'em to this dance goes home with tea-sippers, as the world's highest roller coaster plunges into the darkness.
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