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Everything posted by Teebox

  1. Please DM if have any available to sell, thanks.
  2. Joskey's ME Moses Both were staples of the '80s in Dallas
  3. Would love a crowd screenshot of the best fans in America if anybody can manage
  4. What? It's the Tower and Bellmont that made the move to the SEC happen. This isn't a Deloss Dodds move.
  5. Crap, jealous - whole lotta dark clouds and thunder but no rain in UP
  6. Would take Adrian Phillips on this defense in a heartbeat
  7. I would definitely forego Sacramento - there are too many great places to be in wine country to spend 4 nights in Sac, which is just a town. Go spend a couple days in Healdsburg or something and cut the Sac time in half, at least.
  8. Shocker they are meeting at Old Parkland. This sounds like something that Harlan Crow would be behind.
  9. Have used Picante with success
  10. This was almost exactly my experience with Miles & Miles
  11. Teebox


    How was the Aubert? I'm sitting on some but nothing 10yrs yet.
  12. Freaking Curry flop on the rebound is gonna define this game. is a shame
  13. Have two (2) electronic tickets available for purchase - for face - please DM with any interest
  14. Have 2 extra GA tickets for Thursday's show at Billy Bob's in case anyone looking, please DM
  15. I had a UT Omaha bumper sticker that somebody made and sold on the old Shag. I've since lost it, sure which somebody would make those again.
  16. War on Drugs in Dallas tomorrow night, cannot freaking wait. I thought the setlist from ACL was a little lacking - don't really need 10 songs of the new album, but whatcha gonna do?
  17. This is me. Almost enjoy the f-ups as much as the wins.
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