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Everything posted by US183

  1. Let’s try punting on 1st down .... cant lose yardage if he gets it off
  2. TCU’s rushing game doesnt take 30 seconds to develope, ours looks like its the first day without pads practice
  3. So far they have the best seats any fan can get ...
  4. Where the hell is the O line?
  5. No , Mensa is outsmarting himself
  6. But somehow we’re leading
  7. Was Hermy really yelling there?
  8. That was some TEXAS highllight shit right there
  9. Our plays take too long to develope .... its slow motion
  10. And an early shower .... i hate the targeting rule ...
  11. Have you read the Great Gatsby ?
  12. I love how Young’s feet keep moving after he’s touched .... opposite of watching Porter ......
  13. Burt with the reading glasses on the side line studying for midterms
  14. Yes, Champaign for everybody ...
  15. The defence
  16. Have you read Catcher in the Rye?
  17. It was a trick play
  18. I’m not used to not being raped by the officiating crew .... it’s weird....
  19. Although it went our way (this time) the targeting rule sucks ...
  20. You’re outttttttttttt
  21. That was a trick play from Tom called the ol frenchy ... dont try for a TD try a FG’
  22. Only because the ball was late and underthrown
  23. Ehlinger is not the guy ...
  24. We should occasionally punt on first down ...
  25. That was a classic Tom Herman trick play ... all planned
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