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Posts posted by Jimbob

  1. 28 minutes ago, Cashcar said:

    Which means what? And Sark isn’t the problem yet, but his predecessors absolutely fucking whiffed on Oline and WR recruiting. Maybe that’s on the coaches or maybe its on Belmont for not playing the game…or both.

    Belmont is not where the game would be played. 

    UGA the school does not pay recruits outside room/board/tuition/stipend.  An organized and well funded booster program OTOH can certainly land top classes at a place that hasn’t won shit in 40 years.  

    Now that’s not to say there’s not an “organizer” on the inside, there may be at some places.  But it’s far more likely to be an ol freaky nasty than an AD.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 8 hours ago, closetohumping said:

    Actually I think even Finebaum finally admitted Saban was in play.  Tom Hicks, billionaire alum said if Mack stepped down Saban would've come.  But he's Tom Hicks and we're two randoms on a message board.  Strong was a Bill Powers hire.  We were going to tar and feather Mike Perrin if we let LSU (hey Baton Rouge) steal him from us.  Swinney was a nobody when Clemson got him and we had our shot but chose Strong.

    I think Athens is great.  Not sure Jville and Orlando have any pop.

    Yes and Blake Gideon let a title shot slip through his hands.  And our punt returner in 83 fumbled away a national title shot.  bringing this up as you're putting the timeline at 40 years.

    Saban was in play, he was THE play.  There’s some background there and no one can say for certain that Saban would have done the same thing here as he has done at Bama.  
    But it’s easy to speculate, and the CFB landscape might look quite different. 

    Friday the 13th December 2013 is a day of infamy when Mack stuck his dick in the mash potatoes and Deloss was complicit in not forcing the issue a day prior.  Mack resigned the next day.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. Maybe more like 1996 with a great sophomore RB, our coach has about the same demeanor and we are probably looking at similar records at the end of year.  

    That was out first year in the B12 while this is likely our last, and it’s conceivable we have another new coach in the next couple years

  4. 21 minutes ago, Cairn Horn88 said:

    So, Saban loses offensive and defensive coordinators every couple of years.....he loses offensive and defensive line coaches every couple of years.....he turns around and hires others to fill the void.

    He recruits 4* and 5* players, the best of the best each and every year.

    He wins, many get into the NFL.  Repeat.  Players make a bigger difference than coaches....maybe?

    There’s a saying about that, something about jimmy and Joe on X being hoes or something. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 33 minutes ago, Atticus said:

    He didnt get fired from UW, he basically resigned from SC after the drinking got way out of hand.

    I'm interested in seeing if he stays off the bottle when the heat turns up to 11 though.

    He didn’t basically resign from USC, he signed a “last chance” contract after the drunken salute to Troy banquet and proceeded to show up drunk to practice and then disappeared when he got called out. 

    He filed a $30M wrongful termination suit against USC that he subsequently lost.  

    So no, he did not basically resign from USC.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. Running errand, listening on radio. 

    Ad for maroon F150s by jimbo, ok that’s par for the course.  

    followed by an ad for parasitic horse paste, “be sure to check with your vet” 

    holy shit

    • Haha 3
  7. 1 hour ago, Caver60 said:

    Match made in heaven. Jimbo will always demand more money, and victory-starved aggy will always ante up for their football program. I don’t think he leaves either.

    On the other hand, if Jimbo thinks that some sort of Sabanesque legacy is what he wants, LSU it is. That’s the only thing I can conceive of that would pull him away.

    This is about right.   If he was just about the money he will flirt with LSU and get aggy to up the pay to 15M/10yr.  
    But he still lives below his means, above ground pool style.

    So the competitive side of him probably wins out and he could have a real shot at another title at LSU, something he has to realize will never happen in his current gig.  

  8. Aggy likely goes 10-3 and finishes top 10.  

    They are better than we would like, and their schedule is soft with LSU sucking and the rebuilding going on around them.  

    No clear losses on that schedule outside Bama, maybe war eagle and/or a miss school beat them.  

  9. 7 minutes ago, Helobious said:

    Lejond Cavazos holla. He’s (kind of) from the RGV. Psycho dad moved him from there to SA to DeSoto to SA to Seguin to IMG.  All for sports. He just got burned there on the TD though.

    I heard it was for academic reasons. 
    Guess we have different sources

  10. 3 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    16 minutes into his starting career is a good time to make judgments. 

    Look motherfucker, if we can wander the desert then all the rest of you fucks should have the decency to at least join us.  


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