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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Look motherfucker, if we can wander the desert then all the rest of you fucks should have the decency to at least join us.
  2. Camo. He’s hunting
  3. Stroud sucks so far
  4. How was that not a flag? oh, garret Wilson, fuck him.
  5. Back in the day band were the ones who would get spectacularly busted with a cornucopia of the drugs. Like all of them.
  6. Bag ‘o dicks Bob in the booth, doing the commentator back to coaching in the next few years. Michigans next coach? Ryan Days replacement? Ohio has a lot more dicks that Michigan so I can see him holding out for that job.
  7. Mrs Bob is a big fan of Bocees restroom hygiene, and also their roadie grasses. i think the insulated yeti type tumblers are more travel practical, but good luck trying to decipher the inner workings of the female mind.
  8. There’s a lot of teams hitting the ground running to try and buy a championship, we SHOULD be trying to fund a dynasty that sits at or near the top. Sydney has been on point with the lack of coordination and competency in our AD, there is a lot of money on the sidelines without any direction. Probably should put a sticky note on top that says “Schools don’t pay players, boosters pay players”. That’s how the bag game works, that’s how NIL will work. Lot of misconceptions about paying players. UT has a lot of money, sure. But we have a huge brand, a lot of wealthy alums and a lot of alums who are passionate about football and willing to contribute. BMD or 1k per year, they are all looking for guidance for who/what/when/how much and our AD should be leading that charge The earlier mention of a football only AD is spot on, someone who can actually run point instead of the multiple groups forming like CTJs and others who are likely overlapping and certainly less productive. Phil knight paying 6 figs for Thibodeaux, Miller drawing 2M to play B-Ball at Tennessee state, Bo Nix at Bama, the entire Cane team getting paid along with King getting a 20k bonus on top, meanwhile at UT it looks like the dipshits at Surly are front running NIL for the university.
  9. Am I the only one who sees “Scat Rant” when they see it? Might just be the minds interpretation of truth.
  10. Agree, not sure how he has a show and is paid money. His blowjob game must be very strong.
  11. Blake Gideon with the modelo?
  12. Guess we are going to have to pitch in and buy him a non-bammer suit and tie until he gets his first paycheck.
  13. Freeze football knowledge is impressive.
  14. Seems pretty straight forward. win the games we are supposed to win, extras are gravy. new corch bump, top 5 should be our recruiting floor. don’t fall off the fucking wagon. I’ll drink them for you. Profit
  15. 4. He had us going in the wrong direction long term, Exhibit A. Recruiting. 5. His lack of ability to recognize coaching deficiencies and act/replace them is suspect at best. He’s not good at the number 1 job of being a HC. He has put us in a recruiting hole that will take 3 cycles to recover from, another year would set us back 5. He had to go for so many reasons. welcome back Mac
  16. If he goes to Jacksonville, keep this thread warm on the back burner because he probably only lasts a few years before he decides to go back to college for a last run to the top. UT will be tan, rested and stocked with top 5 talent.
  17. That’s an interesting route that plane is taking. the weed pot route. Sark gave up the booze for the weeds? Probably for the best in his case.
  18. SEC is so misunderstood. If it’s not the MNC it’s not worth playing. SEC just means more.
  19. I know someone who has never seen a crackhead post loss press conference. this year COVID has become his standard go to, but in years past he always placed blame on the players and not the shitty coaches. And he’s had some really, really shitty coaches. That he hired. and was forced to fire under protest. fuck him.
  20. This is the truth, He does not put in the work necessary to be successful week over week. it was pointed out several weeks ago Urban said he watched several okie lite games to understand what defense they run. Meanwhile, crackhead was asked in his presser what he saw on OSU film and he said that he hadn’t watched any because he was too busy with other shit. the great ones live and breathe their trade, it’s an obsession. The goal is to be the best, status quo is never enough. Crackhead did just enough to score a big payday, now he has reverted to his mean of just enough is good enough.
  21. True, but you won’t like the outcome. UT and OU to SEC if they drop aggy and pig to make room. All we have to do is say yes, they can’t wait to drop you weird fucks.
  22. Time to get the party started, what are we drinking tonight?
  23. Easy now. Not all Ferrari’s are created equal
  24. You forget who you are talking about, they don’t realize shit, slowly or otherwise. They are so fucking detached from reality it will never sink in. These are the same dorks who claim 5 MNCs from before any of them were born, and a couple conference championships that many of them were there to see them actually not happen. No, a decade or so from now they will add 2020 to the wall, and in 80 years aggy will marvel at a dozen or so new MNCs that no one living will remember or contest. it happened in their delusional minds and that’s good enough for those fucking weirdos.
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