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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GreenspointTexas

  1. A first down and the game is over
  2. Maalik cant run like that
  3. Just kick the fg now
  4. Holding holy shit
  5. Kick the fg Scar, u dumbasses
  6. Lol gus johnson
  7. Llolololl specifically because Day was playing for a FG there
  8. Crazy to think Mike Bloomgren will be the only fbs coach in the state to be fired this year
  9. Louisville beating the fuck out of kentucky 27-0
  10. Love Acho on the call on the clemson game
  11. Lol not even close to targeting
  12. Way to pick a bbq joint that isnt even the best in college station
  13. Lol yall are just now realizing Ewers injury is “not great, bob?”
  14. Thanksgiving foods in general suck dick
  15. Is Key crying!
  16. 7 on georgia held him up
  17. Thats not a correct stat
  18. Smart talks more to the refs than his own team
  19. Goddamn kirby is whiney
  20. Didnt they call that a delay of game on us last week?????
  21. Here comes a couple of haynes king sacks
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