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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GreenspointTexas

  1. Line down to Texas -12
  2. Ive missed 4 weddings and numerous birthdays for Texas football. jesus, sack up
  3. Saw the previews. Think it looks great. Gonna watch it tonight
  4. Looks like oil companies know its worse than what the general public thinks
  5. Buffalo coming back?
  6. My bad, didnt know Colitvare was a pizza spot. Ill add it to the pizza rotation
  7. 7 out of 41 menu items is not 1/3rd fyi hell, even if u take out desserts and sides, its just over 20% of the menu
  8. Went there last month for the first time. Its a one and done for me. Its very similar to Coltivare here down the street. I was a little stunned that many consider it to be one of the best spots in Dallas tbh
  9. Yeah. There are about 50 or so bbq places in Texas where you are virtually splitting hairs but everyone loves arguing over them, including me
  10. Have you been to all the places I listed?
  11. Possible Cat 2-3 to hit Florida next week
  12. Lol wtf
  13. Line now down to Texas -13
  14. This show fucking sucks. Its sucked since the 2nd season. The only reason I watch is the finality of it all. Sundays episode may be the worst of the series in fact, no, its the worst. Pure crap. Cant wait for this show to end
  15. Its not even a top 5 omakase in houston Neo, Oheya, Kira, 5Kinokawa, Tins, and even their sister restaurant Sushi By Hidden are better. in fact, id argue the 3 most overrated spots in Houston are El Tiempo, March, and Hidden Omakase
  16. Wut? Theyre arguably the best restaurant in town. Even alison cook thought so
  17. I got online at 630am this morning as I was on the way to work and bought the badass longhorn pearl snap from them. Got an email a few min later saying they had cancelled my order and when I clicked on the link again, everything was gone guys on 3rd and Longhorn podcast today said Howler bros is gonna re-up this release in April, fyi
  18. Can i get a fucking gametime for kentucky plz
  19. This was solid but not worth the price
  20. This game is gonna be something between MSU game and Vandy game
  21. Goddamn that call is weak AF. If the refs wouldnt have thrown the flag, no one would have noticed it
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