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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GreenspointTexas

  1. Will Stone is fucking perfect on kickoffs
  2. Yeah, lolol at anyone judging our defense at this point in THIS game
  3. Lllololol if yall think florida is scoring again
  4. These refs trying not to make this a laugher
  5. Thats how bad this game is…. the major storyline is a 100year-old scoring drought
  6. Its like ncaa 24 If it was a close game, it would have been called
  7. I fucking love Texas blowouts. My favorite type of game
  8. Beating them so bad they had to get Undertaker to come in to booth
  9. Time to celebrate This certainly does taste like 20%
  10. Nah, they aint got no trophies. Just a local emmy
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