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Everything posted by LTtxfan

  1. At this point, it seems like part of the NBA's marketing budget to promote basketball worldwide. Longterm, it might be adding a lot more fans to the NBA too.I
  2. It was rehearsed and specific. Well planned out. No agenda from me, just interesting delivery from those announcers that are usually a lot more casual in their responses.
  3. That was a great game... West Virginia played a great series. Heels win 2-1
  4. Based loaded... two outs bottom 9th UNC up 2-1 wvu hanging in 😂
  5. 1out, runners on 1st and 2nd wvu down only 1, bottom 9th Great game 😋
  6. Bottom of 9th.... 2-1 UNC leads Leadoff hitter singles for WVU
  7. Great game... Now just 2-1 UNC leads 7 innings completed
  8. https://www.si.com/nba/knicks/new-york-liberty/new-york-liberty-win-clinches-commissioners-cup-final-berth
  9. HELL OF A PITCH by WVU Pitcher
  10. Since this thread is more active adding here 2024 WNBA Schedule
  11. Beaver's catcher showing off a helluva arm /s 😋
  12. Are some aggy's pissing their field... 😋
  13. They definitely had all of their talking points itemized on why Caitlin wasn't included. It's hilarious watching folks go above and beyond to explain why she is being left off the Olympics team. Quite a few fans won't like Caitlin being left out, but it's great to keep folks talking about WNBA and Caitlin. What's the old saying, "any publicity is good publicity" 😋
  14. Since Bakich mentioned on thread... Old article on him using signal cards. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2019/06/21/michigan-baseball-players-wear-giant-belt-buckles-its-not-fashion-statement/
  15. So only 1 of the "powerful big 12" left... 😋
  16. This tweet cracked me up. Here's rest of it in case yah didn't click to see it...
  17. Yeah if I'm Caitlin's team, I would be recommending that she skip the Olympics this year. Needs the off time, and also has to get a lot stronger in the off-season.
  18. 84 DAYS 🤘 1969 Starting defensive backs Freddie, Tom Campbell (84), Danny Lester Hook 'em 🤘
  19. Not sure why NFL even set a game up in Brazil. Idiots https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/nfl-responds-after-josh-jacobs-says-eagles-packers-will-be-banned-from-wearing-green-in-brazil-rb-apologizes/
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