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Demolition Man

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  1. Agreed. But like I said, the "in the know" group is really tight lipped about whatever it was. I suspect most people who claim to be in the know just aren't. @kopp0e might be a guy who knows the real story.
  2. The information I've got through my limited sources points to a previous problem with drugs, but that he's been clean for nearly 2 decades. Anything beyond that is extreme speculation on my part. But yeah, the way his career basically topped out at DC...it screams bad...like Pennsylvania Catholic priest bad.
  3. There are 3 schools of thought on that: 1) No - Venables did something when he was an assistant at KSU that not only was so depraved that he forfeited any future as a HC at ANY college program, but was also so super secret that no one "in the know" will share the details. If you bring it up on a message board, people will figuratively nod their heads in acknowledgement of the deed, but then refuse to answer when asked directly. People know more details about the Illuminati than they do about the Venables transgression of the '90s. Common assumptions are a hardcore drug problem or sleeping with a student/the dean's wife/player. 2) No - Venables is happy as hell being the highest paid DC in the country at Clemson and has no urge to ever sully a stellar career by wanting to be a head coach. 3) Yes - he's on the short list of coaches KSU would want to hire as Snyder's replacement.
  4. He's a hell of a special teams coach. The common belief is that effectively runs the day to day logistics/administration of the football team at this point. All that being said, he's never been an Offensive or Defensive Coordinator and he's never worked anywhere but KSU so it's hard to convince most KSU fans (and anyone else) that he's got the chops to follow in his dad's footsteps. I think when Snyder goes away (death/retirement/arrested for distributing drug laced Werther's) Sean will still have a spot in the athletic program but won't be the HC. I think Snyder clearing the boards on Coordinators this year and elevating some younger folks is an effort to develop some potential candidates outside Sean who have existing KSU ties. The OC (Andre Coleman) played for Snyder in the early 90's. The DC (Blake Seiler) graduated KSU in 2007. Plus a few other KSU players sprinkled on the staff (Klein and Hickson were big names to KSU fans).
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