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32 Excellent
  1. Driving my daughter to school a couple of years ago and we both clocked a body on the side of the highway at the same time. Not great Bob…
  2. Parking situation somehow even shittier than during the first home series. Impressive, really.
  3. Why would Clemson not call a time out before the two minute stoppage?
  4. Implied dodgers win probability is 55%ish. David was +600.
  5. Dewalt for hand tools. EGO for lawn and garden.
  6. Rented an Opus 4 for a long weekend. Inflatable top is a cool concept and light weight for towing, but on a cold, rainy and windy long weekend in March it kind of sucked.
  7. Have had a good experience with a champion dual fuel 4500w. Pretty quiet, plus electric start. Enclosed variety. Price appears to have gone up on Amazon though…>$1k.
  8. Hybrid 4 cylinder, 6000 pounds towing. Was hoping they might offer the v6 from the new GX. Oh well.
  9. If you have to have it, and you’re willing to pay for it, DavidSW and akatakuya are both online, reputable (in so far as you can have a good reputation while being part of the problem) and have supply. I’ve purchased two watches from the latter. He’s in Houston. Neither is shy about “surge” pricing.
  10. Headed there in April for two nights for the first time in a long time, staying at the Encore. Planning on dinner at Sinatra and either SW or Delilah. Any strong lunch recommendations in Wynn/Encore or within easy walking distance? Bar preferences in the hotel (more quiet cocktail, less nightclub)?
  11. Well, not sure why you wouldn’t count S. Vietnamese military casualties, putting you closer to 3:1. Not that it’s really an apples to apples compare to begin with.
  12. Very interested in this topic. Rented from this guy about a year ago to try out an off-road trailer https://adventureatxrentals.com/so-trailer-gallery/ Overall pretty good, and towable with 4Runner, but would prefer something that can sleep more than two inside. Hoping to rent an Opus 4 this spring. Black series 15 looks like the best answer, but pricey and couldn’t tow with my 4Runner.
  13. Year 5 for me. Combined with restarting regular exercise and no eating out/delivery, it has been really effective at shedding the Fall weight gain every year. But I wouldn’t call it my favorite month. Now I just need to figure out how to not gain 10-15 pounds between Labor Day and New Year’s.
  14. Good point. I’m willing to buy one $8 blue check for each social media platform he destroys.
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