Interest in football - over the long haul - will continue to decline because younger people have other choices and interest when it comes time to spend their money. Add on the explosion in costs associated with buying tickets and there just won't be as many folks going to the game. Hell, with all the cable cutting, there are a lot fewer even watching it on tv. Sure, wealthy alums will always be there to put up money to make college teams targets for their private interests and investments, but Joe six pack and the students are the ones being slowly locked out of the games. Wait until the conference renewals get negotiated. What you are going to see as a small group (maybe 16 large schools) getting contracts for huge sums and they are going to sign up opponents based on their whims. Texas will be the first to take the money and leave conference affiliation. Why would they do otherwise? Split what they can pull with a bunch of midgets like Baylor, TTU, TCU, Kansas State, ISU etc? The good part is Texas will be formulating strategies to play real teams that draw interest - thats why they are already signing up bg name schools.