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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Laxtonto

  1. This is the new comms devices that Hezbollah was able to source. They even got a bulk discount and the supplier said they would make sure that they get to them as soon as possible...
  2. So, maybe a dumb question and perhaps a question that belongs in the realignment thread, but has anyone been paying attention the the Big12 TV numbers? Curious how many of the Texas fans are still hate watching the Big12 or has their numbers tanked a bit more with the large fan bases of Texas and OU leaving the B12.
  3. I also want to add that it make sense for Israel to do this now vs waiting because this is a approach that is extremely novel, it won’t be very difficult to find a counter or just replace all the devices in the near term. If you have infiltrated their supply chain to this extents, you know that this is a time sensitive operation and once the first one is detonated the clock is ticking. This also to me is a signal that Israel is about to push north into Lebanon now to look to build a much larger buffer/no man’s land/dead zone between the two countries
  4. This second wave is as vital as the first. It might lead to slightly higher civilian casualties but the value is exponentially higher to Mossad. It went from maybe a lone batch to now all devices are now suspect. My guess that this is a much more limited set of devices and is there more to sow discord and terror in Hezbollah and those around them than to actually look to decimate their fighting core or leadership. Make the population leery to be around any Hezbollah member and not only it’s a psychological win but provides even more avenues for both intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  5. All coms are now suspect and all physical devices must be destroyed…. Next we will find out that the walkie talkies were from a different vendor provided due to a different “found” security vulnerability… And funnier, unless Iran manufacturers them and hand delivers them to Beruit, there is no way anyone will ever trust a large batch of comms again. This means they will go back to either over the counter unique purchases or user cellphones, with both approaches being easily subverted from a security perspective… This entire operation is just a master class in destroying the faith in comms of an enemy that cannot control the means of their production.
  6. I’ve done some work on our large Red River ammo depot (which most are decommissioned or extremely old ordnance) and knowing how those facilities are designed, I am at a loss on how the facility can keep having secondary detonations that are leapfrogging the entire facility. If they use any form of compartmentalization approach then storage of ordnance should be contained and this wide spread multiple explosions should not really be happening. The most obvious point here is this level of destruction is not possible due to just a shot down UAV. Next, either this is a complete design flaw (which is unlikely) of the facility or the Russians got caught with multiple storage doors open at once. This either implies that the Ukraine UAVs hit them when they knew large transfers of munitions would be happening, the Russians violated the most basic sets of ordnance storage mantras by essentially having multiple blast doors for several ordnance bunkers open at once, or the storage plan for these cruise missiles are as such that they are trading safety and secondary blast protection for convenience of access. This is more than likely an act of hubris by the Russians thinking them being so far into the interior nothing could reach them. Also, the fact that this is the storage for much of their cruise missile production is a huge deal. Without those limited stocks of their more modern munitions any attack on the Ukrainian interior will require using much less sophisticated armaments and there mean the launch point will have to be much closer to the front. Needless to say, that is a huge problem for Russia from both a tactical and logistical standpoint.
  7. So this literally means that not only was he around one, but he actually grabbed it as was looking at the potential message. This implies he has done this before in the past and it was a routine activity...
  8. This is a brilliant approach. The batteries themselves can be mass produced and easily included in the devices. On top of that, since they are simply telling the pager force overheat, it makes them so much harder to detect. The big part is how did they set up the signal to make them overheat? Did they have all the pager numbers? Did they set up a RF setup to set off the overheat? Amazing set of trade craft.
  9. How many of these did they make? How many did Hezbollah buy? Did Isreal really just con them into replacing their entire coms network to devices they control, and then to go a step farther people bombs in them all... It make me curious about did they include a microphone and tracker for realtime tracking while they were at it?
  10. So how many members of Hezbollah did they castrate by doing this? This is insulting Hezbollah on so many levels. This is just an insane level of tradecraft by Mossad.
  11. Sounds like these were put into the latest batch of pagers they received. It is rumored that they were updated due to a potential Israli security breach of their network and so they got upadted more "secure" comms..
  12. I am guessing a small explosive was planted in the pagers in the upstream supply chain before being delivered to Hezbollah. What is interesting is now it is pretty obvious whoever had possession of one of these that were injured is directly tied to Hezbollah. Also, it looks like the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon was injured when one of these exploded...
  13. Another one... This is just fucking wild
  14. Well, I dont know about you but at this point I would be throwing all my comms into the sea at this point.. The other question would be is if they can blow them up, have they been listening through them the entire time? This is wild for so many reasons. You got to give it to Mossad, this is an all-time "Holy Shit!" moment from both the "they can do that?" and "what else have they been doing?" lines of thought...
  15. So, did Hezbollah have all of their radio-controlled explosives tied to the same frequency and so Israel just spammed the frequency all through Beruit? Or is this something more exotic. Curious what actually exploded.
  16. With the TV chart, is it possible to get an API that will pull in the OU and spread?
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