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suddenly shaggy

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Everything posted by suddenly shaggy

  1. Trump also held up aid to Ukraine in 2017 and 2018. He also refused White House meeting with Ukraine's previous President (Petro Poroshenko) until Poroshenko stopped all investigations in to Manafort and the Black Ledger that revealed massive corruption under the Russian Puppet Viktor Yanukovych. Lots of interesting bits in this new Daily Beast article. Mick Mulvaney held up sending Javelin anti-tank misses to Ukraine, because he was worried that it might twist Putin's panties a bit. OMB officials were interfering in aid for other countries, besides Ukraine. Which other countries was OMB also interfering with for Trump's personal gain? https://www.thedailybeast.com/mulvaneys-omb-held-up-lethal-ukraine-aid-in-2017-for-fear-of-russian-reaction
  2. What type of things are they discussing on these Russian propaganda channels? Russia occupying the bulk of Asia and Europe. Josef Stalin was actually a Robin Hood like crusader for the poor. Buying political ads for US elections and paying in rubles. Cue our cadre of Russia apologists to yet again falsely claim Russian interference amounts to a few Jesus arm wrestling Satan gifs.
  3. Lots of trolls getting fat on this thread. They must feel like this every time the thread is bumped.
  4. That's a St. Louis 6.
  5. That's more like it! I was starting to get worried about you for a minute there.
  6. Not looking like it. Judging on Anastasis and zork's posts, it looks like they are going to try to fuck a different chicken for a while. They are all in on the lies, why would reality start intruding into their worldview now? Don't look for a bottom, or a line. There is none.
  7. You forgot your gif. I just can't take you seriously without a gif.
  8. Your first sentence is a personal attack. Your second sentence is an appeal to authority. Your third sentence sets up a strawman. Even for you, this is an impressive amount of consecutive logical fallacies. If only you'd concluded it with a gif that grotesquely oversimplifies and misstates the situation. So close to a masterpiece of trolling and yet so far.
  9. Don't worry. I'm sure Anastasis will manage to find the other side of this somehow.
  10. It takes a lot to surprise me at this point. Finding out Giuliani met with BOTH of the disgraced, corrupt Ukrainian prosecutors THIS week surprises me. Both Shokin and Lutsenko. https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/473014-giuliani-meets-with-fired-ukrainian-prosecutor-who-pushed-biden-2016
  11. I'm not sure it is. The GOP and FOX are going to gaslight. Dems are just picking what topic the GOP is going to lie about. Let them spin their histrionics on it. It's pretty easy to show they are massively overreacting by showing people what she actually said.
  12. The president can name his daughter Chelsea, but he can't make her the GM of Chelsea FC.
  13. There's nothing inappropriate about what she said. As per usual, the GOP is tilting at windmills. ""The Constitution doesn’t allow titles of nobility," she said. "The president can name his son Barron, but he can’t make him a baron."
  14. The money is only half of it. Russia is one of the best in the world at cyber espionage. He's also got blackmail material on a lot of these traitors. Work for Putin and he'll reward you. Go against him and he'll destroy you. Plata o plomo. Серебряный или вести. Silver or lead.
  15. Isn't that why Trump wants a border wall? Happy Thanksgiving y'all
  16. Wrong https://twitter.com/sarahhuckabee?lang=en
  17. It was Trump's understanding there would be no math.
  18. Most accurate FOX statement ever.
  19. Her salad comb finally gets revenge.
  20. Loose thread dangling there a couple of times now that Trump has also unilaterally frozen aid to multiple other countries, including Lebanon. Safe bet there is a personal motive for most of these.
  21. Quit feeding the troll y'all.
  22. If only he hadn't grown up being taught that safe sex is malarky and that condoms are for sailors.
  23. Non-Existent dick, crackless ass and adult diaper all confirmed.
  24. ^ Spot on and pretty much how everyone on here feels, bad_teammate and Fozzz's constant obfuscation and intentional sowing of discord not withstanding. Fucking trolls.
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