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suddenly shaggy

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Everything posted by suddenly shaggy

  1. She also sees no benefit in shaping the narrative that the Senate is a bunch of corrupt shitbags that will excuse any crime Trump commits, but nonetheless the House will do their Constitutional duty and impeach the criminal currently occupying the White House. That's a winning message for Democrats, but their leadership is a bunch of risk-adverse cowards.
  2. He didn't say the 20,000 were people, maybe he meant 20,000 tons.
  3. Horns down is trashy and is textbook taunting. It should draw a flag every time. Other than that, it doesn't bother me at all, because it's a colossally stupid gesture. A bull/steer with horns down is about to fuck someone up. We'd see it a lot less often if more of our fans had that attitude. Horns down also tends to fire up the team when the game is still within reach, or for the next time we play them.
  4. We aren't talking about Assange collaborating with the Russians to illegally influence our elections. We are talking much less about Epstein and Trump. Trump is an idiot savant at manipulating the media and changing the subject.
  5. Should be some good stuff. SDNY can't indict Trump due to the Office of Legal Counsel rule and Weisselberg had immunity, but Jr has to be breathing a lot easier. Trump installing Bill Barr as AG to cover for him and be his personal fixer continues to pay off bigly.
  6. This is the topic Trump and right-wing posters on this thread are trying to distract from. Their Seth Rich conspiracy mongering has been shown to be nothing, but lies. The ex-president of Ecuador who had granted Assange asylum confirmed that Assange interfered with the 2016 election from inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. https://us.cnn.com/2019/07/16/politics/ecuador-response-assange-wikileaks/index.html Ex-Ecuadorian president confirms Assange meddled in US election from London embassy "We did notice that he was interfering in the elections and we do not allow that because we have principles, very clear values, as we would not like anyone to interfere in our elections," he said. "We are not going to allow that to happen with a foreign country and friend like the US." ... ... The report cited hundreds of surveillance documents detailing Assange's time inside the embassy. The documents describe how Assange met with Russians and world-class hackers at critical moments and acquired powerful new computing and network hardware to facilitate data transfers just weeks before WikiLeaks received hacked materials from Russian operatives. "WikiLeaks' justification was that they were providing truthful information," Correa told CNN. "Sure, but (it) was just about Hillary Clinton. Not about (Donald) Trump. So, they were not saying all the truth. And not saying all the truth is called manipulation. And we are not going to allow that."
  7. That is also a lie, but you've never let truth get in your way. I mistook two very similar avatars. LongestHorn and Zavala, one of the shittiest trolls on here. Zavala fucking sucks and is a blatant troll in nearly every post he has ever made on this board. You want to call that an ad hominem, go for it, it's the truth. I apologized in exactly in one post and a PM to Longest Horn, who understood why I mistook the two avatars and accepted the apology. That would be 1 out of 25 posts, or a grand total of 4% of my posts on that page. I then quoted and responded to ChiTownDoc saying "Jesus, go edit it. Being mixed up with Zavala will leave a mark" and hg saying he'd made the same mistake. Even if you count both of those as apologies, which they weren't, that's 3 total posts apologizing, out of 25 on the first page for a grand total of 12% of my posts on that page. That's either a blatant lie by you, or a smaller lie combined with a statistics error, but that would be a pretty basic statistics error and you're a self-proclaimed statistics expert.
  8. Yeah, that's not what happened at all, but go on believing yourself. Nobody else does.
  9. I freely admit that I lob ad hominem attacks towards you. You're one of the only posters that I do that to and there's a reason for it. You've proven for years that you are a troll. You are incapable of discussing Russia or Trump honestly and are consistently an argumentative, dishonest asshole. Pointing that out does fit the criteria for an ad hominem attack, but it's also the truth. I'm honestly not sure why anyone tries to seriously discuss these issues with you. You also love to bitch about people lobbing ad hominem attacks at you, while you are one of the single biggest perpetrators of ad hominem attacks on this board, many of them completely off topic and in unrelated threads. You love derailing the conversation with tu quoque whataboutisms, strawmen, red herrings, and any other logical fallacy you can work into a post. Your posting style on anything Russia or Trump is one logical fallacy after another. You are smart enough that you could choose to be better, but you choose not to. That earns you a special amount of disgust from me and is why I will continue to call you out for it when it is topical. Be Best.
  10. Stop the intellectual dishonesty and start discussing things in good faith and I'll stop pointing out that you are intellectually dishonest and arguing in bad faith.
  11. I imagine it's harder to see both sides without being able to see behind you, but beyond that, I'll defer to your expertise.
  12. You didn't honestly expect anastasis to respond in good faith, did you? It's midnight on a weeknight. The facts are against him. He's an angry drunk who just polished off 4/5 of a handle of Jim Beam. All you'll get from him is deflection, ad hominem attacks and Rocko-style false braggadocio.
  13. Unfortunately, you water down the reputation of a University of Texas degree on the reg.
  14. vs. Lorenzo de Zavala looks like Stephen F. Austin got stung by a bee.
  15. Lulz. Textbook annie. If only he'd posted a gif, we could all check off the last squares on the bingo cards.
  16. Totally agree and I tried immediately to edit after seeing his post, but it was already too late. Apologized here and via PM and pos repped him twice to make up for it as best I could.
  17. Shit, sorry dude. I saw the profile pic while distracted and thought it was Zavala. I retract the accusation with apology and would delete it, but it's too late.
  18. Some good nuggets in there. Assange had the power to dictate guests and get them through security without signing in, or being searched and Assange was allowed to delete entries from those that did sign in. Assange met with Russian propagandists, hackers and received packages and thumb drives with unknown contents at key times during the election.
  19. Are you pretending not to be a Trumpkin troll now? It's far too late for that dude. Also, it's really fucked up that the German propaganda has the women in normal clothing and our propaganda photo shows them in prison garb. Real subtle ICE.
  20. Agree to disagree then. His wife is a professional liar and she is instilling those values in his children when they are young and impressionable.
  21. If he believed the things he is saying, he should be divorcing her and asking for sole custody instead of letting the mouthpiece for an evil administration brainwash his children.
  22. George Conway III is just as full of shit as Flake, Collins and Murkowski. If he meant what he is saying, he would divorce Kellyanne. She's elbow deep in the evil and he's playing the other side so they are good no matter what side wins.
  23. ^ Trump going to win unless there is a landslide against him. This is an existential crisis for Putin, just as much as it is for Trump. A democrat winning the Presidency and democrats taking the Senate is a nightmare scenario for both of them. Trump would be criminally charged (NY state and likely federal charges) and Russia would face massive sanctions at a minimum. The GOP voter suppression regime will pull out every trick in the book and Russia's interference in 2020 will make their 2016 efforts look like child's play. The last election was decided by 50,000 votes in a few key states. The map looks different now, but not different enough to overcome the unprecedented voter suppression and Russian interference that is about to happen.
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