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suddenly shaggy

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Everything posted by suddenly shaggy

  1. Giving a specific example of a type of concentration camp doesn't change the definition that preceded said example. These are concentration camps under every definition that's been posted.
  2. The Strait of Hormuz is 21 miles wide. Iran's territorial waters overlap those of Oman.
  3. In March of his third year in office, Bush invaded Iraq and made a quagmire we are still paying for to this day. Fast forward 15 years, in June of his third year in office Trump is agitating to invade Iran and make the last quagmire look like a chocolate milkshake. Grand ole party my ass, more like the wag the dog party. GOP should be WTD from now on, although WTF would also work.
  4. Venezuela owes billions of dollars to Rosfnet. In January, Putin sent his favorite mercenary company (Wagner) to make sure they collect. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jan/25/venezuela-maduro-russia-private-security-contractors
  5. Biden and Bernie both had their shot in 2016. Bernie at least took it. I know he had personal reasons, but fuck Biden for not running against Hillary. Fuck Biden doubly, since he hasn't been paying attention to the GOP and thinks he can work with a party of liars willing to sell out every principle they claimed to have in exchange for more power. The sooner Biden is out of the race, the better.
  6. Clutched his right ankle at the end of his slide too.
  7. Or we could chill the fuck out while the younger generations in Iran gain more influence and let them topple it from within, which is happening now and will stop cold if we go to war with them.
  8. Even your sub-literate ass knows "the storm is coming" refers to Qanon.
  9. Manafort is worthless as a witness. Even if he says he's cooperating and telling the truth, you can't trust anything that can't be independently verified.
  10. He who pulls the donut from the fryer shall be crowned King of Bumblefuck, AL.
  11. Shut the fuck up about Bernie on the Elizabeth Warren thread. Go pollute somewhere else with your drivel.
  12. Except every time the bear eats you.
  13. Fozzz is DSA and his philosophy is whatever is good for Putin.
  14. Considering he's going to be a sophomore next season, I should imagine not.
  15. In an administration filled with stupid ideas, this one still manages to stand out.
  16. Combine that with Chris Hayes above. These people have power and will face prosecution if they lose it. Trump et al. will do anything to keep that power.
  17. This may be another major why this is good for Putin. Iran and Russia are currently disputing ~$8 Trillion of offshore oil and gas deposits in the Caspian Sea. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/How-Iran-Was-Swindled-Out-Of-32-Trillion.html The Caspian Sea is actually a lake because it is enclosed completely by land and not at sea level. Revenue from lakes is split by all countries that border them. From 1921 to 1991 the USSR and Iran split Caspian Sea oil revenue 50/50 with a formal amended agreement in 1924. After the dissolution of the USSR in 1991, the four former Soviet states: Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan claimed a share and they all split the revenue 20% each. Recently, Iran gave Russia control of nearly all their oil and gas for 50 billion/year over 5 years. Per the agreement, the Russians were to invest massively in Iran. There are no clauses holding Russia accountable if they don't, so they don't hold up their end of the bargain and have Iran over a barrel. Russia then dug a channel from the Caspian Sea to the Volga River and reclassified the Caspian Sea as an actual sea. If it's a sea, then the countries get a 12 mile territorial waters plus 200 mile exclusive economic zone.
  18. All of these stories are citing a single anonymous US official.
  19. No one gives a shit what you claim to think Fozzz. Everyone recognizes you as a full-time troll and possibly/probably a paid one.
  20. Horseshit. There is a less than zero chance Iran was behind this. They know Trump and Bolton are angling for any excuse to go to war with them and they give us a highly visible causus belli? They are not this stupid. If it comes to war, they will almost all be arrested or dead. The quagmire to come won't help them, they would all be caught or killed fairly quickly. Saudi Arabia and the UAE are this brazen though and MBS/MBZ have Jared Kushner in their pocket.
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