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suddenly shaggy

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Everything posted by suddenly shaggy

  1. Very misleading to post this without including Scotland and Northern Ireland. Both were solidly in the Remain camp in 2016 and now. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-48417424 Also, there is no such thing a "compromise Brexit". The EU is not going to negotiate, shit or get off the pot. There is strong support for Brexit, but it is clearly a minority opinion and it is misleading at best to declare otherwise.
  2. If Trump stripped to an actual diaper and then wrestled him, it would have been the least offensive thing he did all trip.
  3. Looks more like she has at least 3 Duggar sisters hidden under there.
  4. Extremism on one side begets extremism on the other side. Unfortunately.
  5. Y'all joining in and dog piling on Hugo plays right into the hands of our disingenuous Trumpublicans and helps them discredit him. He definitely posts a lot, but it's usually informative and it's always truthful. We need more posters that bring useful and accurate information to fight the constant right wing gaslighting.
  6. Maybe she had mad oral skills from years of eating a mayonegg.
  7. If there is one thing I associate Donald Trump with, it's his elegant vocabulary and masterful use of the English language.
  8. A lot of People are saying it Was the BEST ABUSE OF POWER anyone has ever Done.
  9. You do remember he was a very popular governor of Arkansas before becoming President, right? Southern Democrats didn't get elected unless they were republican-lite.
  10. They think it will help them politically and give Trump coattails GOP candidates can ride in 2020. Congressional redistricting in 2022 sets the districts until the 2030 Census. If the dems win in 2020 at the state legislature level, all that hard won GOP gerrymandering is going away. Redistricting raises the stakes considerably. The political calculus would be very different if this was taking place in a non-census year.
  11. So, that's 4 months of dicking off waiting for Mueller. Now 5 waiting on the DOJ to let him testify. In the meantime, they've let the GOP completely frame the narrative.
  12. Republicans already let Pandora out of her box. Unless this results in real jail time for a bunch of people, she's not going back in.
  13. Democratic leadership, especially in the House, fucked up royally by putting all their eggs in one basket and not doing any real investigation while waiting for Mueller. If they'd been doing their jobs properly, Mueller would be coming in for confirmation of what the House investigations had already concluded. They need to stop waiting for someone else to do their jobs for them and start impeachment hearings on Barr and Trump.
  14. Don't expect a serious and nuanced reply from Dennison, he spends a lot of time trolling. That, or he's a moron. whynotboth.gif
  15. Exactly. Appeasing dictators and wannabe dictators only lets them consolidate more power.
  16. Keep fucking that chicken. Democrats will lose if they don't stand up to Trump immediately and forcefully.
  17. Exactly. Fox and Hannity are going to tell their listeners Trump has done nothing wrong the Dems are attacking him. They are going to rally behind that. They are going to do it no matter what Dems do between now and then. They will flood the airwaves with bullshit and control the media narrative like they've been doing for a very long time. Dems need to flood the airwaves with facts and new details of Trump and the GOP's nefarious deeds. Let them lie about it and knock them down, only to have more scandal thrown in their face the next day. The battle is for the undecided and Dems are losing that badly.
  18. Democrats have been played like a fiddle. Bu the time they finally get Mueller to testify, if they ever do, it will be after the Trumpublicans have had months to set the narrative. They should have had subpoenas ready to go for Mueller, Rosenstein and Barr when Mueller handed in his report. As soon as it was clear DOJ was continuing to obstruct, hand them a subpoena. If they did it in the immediate aftermath of Mueller turning in the report, the obstruction would be obvious and the public outcry would have been deafening. Now, months will have passed and it will look like the Democrats are trying to exhume something that is already settled. Wasn't the reason for Pelosi being speaker again that she is politically savvy? She's gotten worked repeatedly by the admin.
  19. Not necessarily. Clive Bundy was racist and also didn't agree with the BLM, but there is no causative relationship between the two positions.
  20. You can add both spineless and stupid to that. Russert is roiling over in his grave.
  21. Like every toddler, he's going to want a cookie for somewhat defusing a crisis he created. The GOP will be grateful and give him that cookie.
  22. More entertaining than any Game of Thrones episode yet this year.
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