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suddenly shaggy

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Everything posted by suddenly shaggy

  1. Here's one as close to Bama's colors as I could get.
  2. It takes a very stupid point to beat out saying a school that employees Tom Herman should go out and hire a dickhead coach. Saying we should hire Jeff Fisher is just such a point.
  3. Toilet paper is specifically made to stick to shit. His staff can only do so much.
  4. That image cracks me up every time I see it.
  5. We're excusing war crimes now, but it's important for all of us to remember that is is far too soon to start comparing Trump to "outlandish" fascists like Hitler and Mussolini.
  6. He also had a track record of obstructing justice and getting away with it in prior administrations. https://www.justsecurity.org/63635/barrs-playbook-he-misled-congress-when-omitting-parts-of-justice-dept-memo-in-1989/
  7. Damn, it's like he is filibustering his own testimony.
  8. https://www.thedailybeast.com/mulvaneys-omb-held-up-lethal-ukraine-aid-in-2017-for-fear-of-russian-reaction Just dropping this afternoon that Mulvaney froze the previous round of javelin anti-tank missiles because he didn't want to upset Russia.
  9. Get ready to hear a lot about Iran for the next few weeks from our resident Trumpkins. Trump is going to take that to 11 and Trump/Trumpkin's will claim it's treason to impeach him while dealing with his false claim that Iran is enriching uranium and will attack the west with it. It's about the only card Trump has left in his hand.
  10. What is dead may never die, but rises stupider with a new username.
  11. Meteor that splits into two pieces way up in the atmosphere.
  12. That is his point. BT has a long history of being an insanely "liberal" poster, far from the normal left posters on here. He's antagonistic while doing so and has a long history of making misleading posts, while adding very little original content. However, he minimizes the Mueller investigation, he minimizes Russian interference in the 2016 election, he fervently defends Tulsi, Assange and Greenwald at every opportunity. Those are not the positions of an actual progressive lefty. He's an obvious troll.
  13. The coverups show consciousness of guilt. They knew at the time, or immediately after every time, that it was wrong. They just don't give a shit. You are right though, they've been astoundingly effective at moving the goal posts time after time.
  14. His posting history suggests severe brain damage. I think it's safe to assume he's drowned numerous times and been revived with varying degrees of success. He's like a Beric Dumbdarian. Every time he drowns and is revived, he comes back a dumber version of himself.
  15. Between Bloomberg, DeBlasio and Rudy, I've heard far more than I would ever give a shit about hearing from the New York City mayor.
  16. Leningrad Lindsay is a blackmailed bottom bitch.
  17. Could just be a delaying tactic and being an asshole, but seems like a bold strategy Cotton move to piss off the judge on the first day for no gain. If they don't know the names, have some of the most likely Trumpkins followed home. All it takes is 1 Johnny Sack or EMAW to ensure a hung jury.
  18. Pretty slick, if they know the names of the potential jurors. Gives them over night to dig into the backgrounds and political leanings of any potential jurors not already struck. While that wouldn't be an advantage for almost any other case, if you have access to the nefarious people and organizations Stone does, it could be huge. His lawyers will know who is a Trump supporter and who is vehemently in favor of impeachment with a couple of phone calls.
  19. Must have a composting holy throne. How would she flush turds that can walk on water?
  20. 1) It wasn't. Like everything coming out of GOP mouths and fingers, that's a blatant lie. There has been no credible evidence of any of the allegations. Not a fucking shred. The allegations of corruption at Burisma predate Hunter Biden joining the board of directors. The prosecutor Biden forced out, Shokin, is a corrupt criminal. Firing Shokin was in NATO's interest and against Putin's interests. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/viktor-shokin-ukraine-prosecutor-trump-biden-hunter-joe-investigation-impeachment-a9147001.html
  21. That's clearly a GOP source, claims Morrison was more worried about potential leaks. That's a constant Trump/GOP talking point. They gaslight and mislead at every opportunity, especially when stories just break and the media doesn't know which thread to follow yet. There is zero reason to assume that source is not intentionally misleading with a pro-Trump claim like that.
  22. Like everything else in this shitshow of an "administration", the full story is far worse when it comes out later.
  23. Never trust anything from the Trump administration. If the sanitized version they were willing to release was so incriminating, the untold part of it was even worse. The entire right wing was also fixated on calling it a 'transcript', even though it clearly says at the bottom that it isn't. They were setting the messaging really hard. That was another tell.
  24. Kevin McCarthy and Susan Collins have released a brief public statement.
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