Department of Justice opinion is that a sitting president cannot be indicted. While many Americans feel that it is absolutely antithetical to everything the US stands for, because no one should be above the law, that is current DOJ policy. It is not law, just policy, but there is ZERO chance Barr will let Trump be charged.
DOJ policy is also to not name people that are not indicted, which is why Trump shows up as "Individual One". The President of the United States is currently an un-indicted co-conspirator. Until he is no longer President, that is how he will remain.
The GOP doesn't give a shit and will not vote to convict or remove Trump, for any reason, especially if he is not indicted, which he won't be. Some of you keep waiting for Trump to cross a bridge too far, but that is fantasy. Trump owns the GOP and they will follow like the subservient toadies they are.
Impeachment is a losing battle right now. The House could easily impeach him for a dozen things he's done so far, but the Senate will not remove him and the right wing media will rally behind him. Pelosi is playing the only card she has, the slow bleed, hoping enough Americans start paying attention to start putting pressure on the GOP.