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suddenly shaggy

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Everything posted by suddenly shaggy

  1. Why do any of you give a shit what David Dennison thinks? He's either a troll or a mental invalid. Let him play with his feces by himself.
  2. Looks like the Q anon followers are going to end up unintentionally fucking Trump. Q claims that Trump and Mueller are working together to bring down a worldwide pedophile ring. Q followers are furious about lack of progress and waiting for mass arrests globally. They are convinced the "Deep State" is working against both Trump and Mueller. They want a public report just as much as those of us that want to see the truth exposed and are going to be very vocal about it.
  3. Rand Paul has been a reliable toady for Putin since Trump was elected. He's consistently had a pro-Russia spin that would be entirely foreign to the policies he and his father purportedly support. He's not the same guy he used to pretend to be.
  4. I agree with you to a point, but the back and forth is perpetuated by people responding to him. His nonsense is then given legitimacy and that's what he wants. When a troll posts, publicly depants them and move on. Don't get in a back and forth with them, it legitimizes their illegitimate argument.
  5. ^ the media has done an absolute garbage job of covering this. They are 6 months behind, at least on everything. They've been so afraid of pissing off Trumpkins, they've walked on eggshells to try to attract an audience that will hate them under any circumstance. It's asinine.
  6. He's a troll. He'd go be ignorant with a different username if y'all would stop feeding him.
  7. Good luck with forcing Trump to do anything, but make an ass of himself.
  8. I like having the board titles just be what they are. Makes it a lot easier for visitors too.
  9. It depends on what Mueller is about to release. Trump is declaring a national emergency. He's not undecided.
  10. Then, if he wins the court battle, he'll then use executive power to confiscate land from private landowners and put government property on it. The GOP is run by nihilists, they believe in nothing dude.
  11. He's absolutely doing another summit. This is a great way for him to control the media narrative for about a week and a half before he's on to the next distraction.
  12. His 40 and shuttle will improve most from the end of the season to the combine, whichever year. Players don't work on their 40 and shuttle during the season, unless on their own time. Those measurements are not really football. They're a measure of potential. Unimportant during actual football. Obviously I meant on his own time. If you are under the mistaken impression anyone thinks Herman is having them run 40 yard dash drills, you can dissuade yourself from it. Having said that, a year is a long time and it's worth a lot of money to him. He can keep working on his 40 on his own time with access to world class facilities and advice and substantially improve on it.
  13. He may not be able to actually "get faster", but his 40 yard dash and shuttle times absolutely can improve markedly over a year with training. Plus, the whole idea that LJ is maxed out is asinine. Look at LJ next to CJ. CJ looks maxed out, LJ isn't ripped like he'll be after another year focusing with Yancy. NFL teams have scouting departments, but the NFL is light years behind college offenses in how to deploy unusual players. It's not a good idea to rely on the NFL to notice how an unusual multi-tool player like LJ can be deployed. Some teams will see it, some won't. That's the way the league works and it will cause his draft stock to be lower than if everyone saw it. Most WR in his spot should probably go pro, but LJ has a unique skill set that distinguishes him from all other WR candidates. He'll get ample chance to demonstrate that if he comes back and it will cause his draft stock to be much higher next year. LJ is going to be a monster next year in a monster offense with coaches that know his strengths and how to deploy him. The media puff pieces, especially on his versatility are going to help his exposure to those same uncreative NFL teams immeasurably.
  14. Apparently you have trouble with reading comprehension in addition to your casual relationship with the truth.
  15. Bullshit, I'm not scrolling through 261 pages of you downplaying Russian interference and attacking US Intel agencies to find it, but you absolutely posted that he was fooled among your many anti-Comey fake both sides screeds. You are every bit as intellectually dishonest as TahoeHorn, you are just funnier and much smarter, so people have been far slower to recognize it.
  16. You've repeatedly claimed that Comey re-opening the Clinton investigation was because the Russians had fooled him with false intelligence. Yet you argue out the other side of your mouth that Russian interference had no role in the election and constantly tried to downplay it. You are a disingenuous piece of shit that doesn't care if the whole world burns as long as you can snipe from the sidelines. Fuck you.
  17. You certainly have a lot of practice with arguing from ignorance, so I'll concede to your expertise there.
  18. Hugo, you are wasting your time arguing with Captain "Both Sides". Anastasis has been constantly wrong and constantly underestimated and belittled Russian influence. He's been a clown/troll for 2.5 years. Let him roll around in his own filth in peace.
  19. We just gave Iran and Russia a land bridge to Israel via Kurdish controlled territory, while permanently burning the Kurds as allies in the future, so maybe you guys should stop trying to minimize this dipshit's incompetence and realize it has real geopolitical consequences.
  20. Don't forget the bolted together leg bones. I'm sure an experimental wire running through his tibia and fibula won't cause any long term wear to Tua's leg bones when he's older.
  21. It's assuming some would, which is a safe proposition. If Hillary had gotten only 1 out of every 5 Stein voters, she wins Michigan. There's lots of reasons Trump is president, Russian interference on behalf of Jill Stein is one of them.
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