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suddenly shaggy

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Everything posted by suddenly shaggy

  1. I personally think they should hit a broad impeachment, but that's not what's going to happen. Pelosi has made it crystal clear that she wants a narrow impeachment, preferably only Ukraine. The only reason that isn't happening is because the Russian and Ukrainian crime sprees are so tightly entwined. To a sense, she's right, if you impeach Trump for everything he's done/doing, you will never get a vote, because he will continue committing crimes until the day he dies. Probably as a corporate entity for a while longer. However, that normalizes everything else and lets Mitch pretend this is a political witch hunt, which makes it politically palatable for him to hold a quick vote and wash his hands of it. The only way to guarantee public hearings on this, is for the House to hold them. What I was proposing was a way to do both. It gives Pelosi her narrow and quick impeachment, while not normalizing his actions. It also gives the Senate the ability to end the insanity and national security threats as quickly as possible, should they decide to start pretending to be patriotic adults again for re-election purposes.
  2. Disagree. He commits Emoluments violations numerous times every day. That is a current event. Trump just sold the Kurds up the river and established conclusively and very publicly that no one should ever trust us long-term as an ally. Trump let our allies get slaughtered and gave Putin what the Russians have wanted forever, an expanded, secure footprint in the Middle East. That's a current event. The reason I mentioned Russia is because new shit is coming to light. The House is finally finding out that McGahn and Jr. never testified to the Grand Jury and gaining the authority to compel their testimony. As triplehorn has pointed out, Roger Stone's trial is about to begin. Put Trump/GOP shit on blast and keep it there.
  3. How the fuck is that a game? That's their fucking job. They took an oath and it doesn't have an out clause for the Senate not doing their job. Trump keeps committing crimes, keep impeaching him. His behavior has already been normalized FAR more than it should have been.
  4. Step 1) Put Trump's shit on blast in the House over Ukraine. Step 2) Impeach him. Step 3) Send it over to Mitch. Step 4) While the Senate is conducting their show trial, put Trump's shit on blast over Turkey/Emoluments/Obstruction of the Russia investigation/Pick any of the others. Step 5) Impeach him again. Step 6) Send it over to Mitch. Repeat until public outcry forces Mitch's hand or every citizen in the county is aware that the GOP is keeping a criminal in office and every citizen has taken a side.
  5. Trump also appears to have stripped, or refused to renew some trade privileges from Ukraine. This hasn't really been covered much, since it's swamped under with the other graft, but seems huge.
  6. Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing are John Solomon's lawyers. In a continued Fox "News" pattern, none of them disclosed this, despite John Solomon repeatedly quoting Toensing. https://www.politico.com/news/2019/10/24/ukraine-oligarch-lawyers-joe-digenova-victoria-toensing-056643 They also represent mobster and Manafort associate Dimitry Firtash. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-09-23/trump-friendly-lawyers-join-legal-team-of-ukraine-s-firtash https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/10/brady-toensing-justice-department/ They were working with Rudy to fabricate "evidence" against Biden. https://www.thedailybeast.com/joe-digenova-and-victoria-toensing-worked-with-rudy-giuliani-to-dig-up-ukraine-dirt-on-joe-biden-report They've met face to face with Bill Barr while doing all of this. https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/firtash-lawyers-digenova-and-toensing-scored-a-rare-face-to-face-meeting-with-barr Also, in a move that I'm sure is on the up and up and has nothing to do with the criminal in the White House installing the family of his fixers, Toensing's son just joined the Department of Justice Office of Legal Policy. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/10/brady-toensing-justice-department/
  7. Three guesses who frequent Fox "News" Guest and Newly Minted Contributor John Solomon has as his lawyers and never disclosed, despite repeatedly quoting them. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/john-solomon-to-join-fox-news-as-contributor Not Rudy Giuliani.
  8. Pence is up to his eyeballs in this particular bag of dicks.
  9. I don't really give a shit if you're registered GOP or not. Your posting history is unquestionably right wing and you consistently nibble the corners of anything that's bad for the GOP, while conveying full knowledge of the details of anything involving the left. I'm not reading anything that you haven't clearly shown over and over and I'm far from the only person that's noticed it. You are continuing to display it here. You are either woefully ignorant, while not letting it stop you from repeatedly arguing an issue you are ignorant of, or you are being willfully obtuse. End result is the same either way.
  10. You, like many of our right-wing posters, have a curious habit of a near perfect memory for convenient evidence and simultaneous ability to be unaware of basic, but inconvenient, evidence. You must have missed nearly every article written about the whistleblower's allegations and almost all of our discussion. It's literally one of the biggest abuses of power alleged in the whistleblower complaint. I guess you didn't read the coverage, or the whistleblower complaint, or participate on here while it was discussed and you must have inexplicably missed one of the central points of the allegations. It was also widely discussed when Trump released the memorandum you, like the rest of the GOP, continues to disingenuously try to call a "transcript". I guess you missed all of that too. The normal way is that these memoranda are prepared and circulated to relevant staff, ambassadors, agencies etc. The abnormal way is that someone in the Trump administration immediately intervened in the aftermath of these calls, illegitimately classified the documents and hid them in a codeword-level server to prevent disclosure of the President's crimes. This, according to literally every reputable article yet published on the matter, is different from how these are normally handled and I should hope the fuck so. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/10/03/odd-markings-ellipses-fuel-doubts-about-rough-transcript-trumps-ukraine-call/
  11. I know you are a lawyer, but you need to stop giving these criminals the benefit of the doubt every time. They've long ago lost any assumptions that they are being truthful and forthcoming. If Trump is talking, he is lying and it's the same for his entire administration and the bulk of the GOP. Trump is abusing his power and selling American interests out for personal and business reasons. There are also transcripts of conversations with Putin and MBS hidden in that codeword sensitive server. Wouldn't surprise me if there are some Erdogan conversations as well. It's nefarious as fuck. The evidence is being hidden by his co-conspirators in a codeword sensitive system rather than being handled in the normal way to prevent discovery of the President's crimes.
  12. It's already been effective, even having been exposed as a scam. People talking about it leads people to believe there is something there. 40% of Democrats now think we need to have a conversation about Biden and Ukraine. A plurality of American's believe Biden pressured Ukraine. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/10/01/ukraine-story-appears-be-hurting-trump-possibly-biden-too/ That 45-36 split on whether Trump at least applied pressure on Zelensky is actually very similar to the split on whether Biden applied pressure on Ukraine to stop investigating his son — 42 percent to 37 percent. A plurality of Americans say it is “probably” true that Biden “put pressure on Ukrainian officials to get them not to investigate his son’s business dealings there.”
  13. There are other sources saying the same thing. The lack of detail is probably intentional. https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-impeachment-inquiry-09-25-2019/h_059432c46e89de36d5896e31ea08fda3 A senior White House official says the transcript of the call comes from Voice Recognition Software. There is a disclaimer at the bottom of the document that it is “not a verbatim transcript of a discussion.” The whistleblower's complaint also says there was a "word-for-word transcript" that was locked away. The whistleblower draws a distinction between the word-for-word transcript and contemporaneous hand-written notes of the conversation. In the days following the phone call, I learned from multiple U.S. officials that senior White House officials had intervened to “lock down” all records of the phone call,especially the official word-for-word transcript of the call that was produced-as is customary-by the White House Situation Room. This set of actions underscored to me that White House officials understood the gravity of what had transpired in the call. White House officials told me that they were “directed” by White House lawyers to remove the electronic transcript from the computer system in which such transcripts are typically stored for coordination, finalization, and distribution to Cabinet-level officials. Instead, the transcript was loaded into a separate electronic system that is otherwise used to store and handle classified information of an especially sensitive nature. One White House official described this act as an abuse of this electronic system because the call did not contain anything remotely sensitive from a national security perspective. I do not know whether similar measures were taken to restrict access to other records of the call, such as contemporaneous handwritten notes taken by those who listened in.
  14. Voice recognition, there's a bunch of other contemporaneous articles saying similar https://fortune.com/2019/09/28/trump-zelensky-call-transcription-voice-recognition-software-secure/ They also locked transcripts of the calls with Putin and Mohammed bin Salman in the same classified server. https://www.ft.com/content/af2be6c6-e132-11e9-9743-db5a370481bc https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/10/trump-mbs-putin-calls-also-hidden-incriminating.html
  15. Nope, you're right HG. They use voice recognition software. At one point, there was a full transcript. Trump's enablers hid the full transcript in the high level classified server to keep it hidden. It has probably been deleted now, but the upgraded security of the high level classified security will show who accessed and deleted it. This is the version that looked the best for them and there are two sections with ellipses indicating missing material. The Trump administration has lost any benefit of the doubt. Those ellipses probably contain additional relevant material that they cut out before release.
  16. Trump/Guliani effort to discredit Biden now shown to involve Ukrainian organized crime leader/oligarch tied to Manafort and Putin. Giuliani was getting "incriminating" information on Biden from Dmitry Firtash. https://time.com/5699201/exclusive-how-a-ukrainian-oligarch-wanted-by-u-s-authorities-helped-giuliani-attack-biden/
  17. Some of you need to pull your shit together. Sheeeeeit is a known commodity on this board with an extensive history of the exact same schtick. Stop feeding the troll. He wins by you even quoting him. Neg him and move on.
  18. Turkey is a Nato Ally, but Erdogan is a threat to not just the Middle East, but also to Europe. Erdogan facilitated mass migration of refugees into Europe and provoked a crisis. Erdogan then extorted favorable agreements from the EU in exchange for slowing the problem he was facilitating. He is threatening to do even worse if the EU continues to callout his invasion of Syria. He is an Islamist and a thug. This is win/win/win for Erdogan, Putin and Assad. Erdogan gets to rape and kill a bunch of Kurds, while creating a buffer between Kurdish areas in Turkey and Kurdish areas of Turkey. Assad gets the Kurds back under his authority and control, minus the buffer. Putin gets the Kurds permanently severed from the United States and definitively establishes that no ally should trust that the United States will not condemn them to rape and murder depending on the arbitrary decisions of the president. This is a massive unforced geopolitical loss for the United States.
  19. Can we all stop with the Fox is going to turn on Trumpism bit now? Rupert, Lachlan, and James Murdoch are no better than Roger Ailes. They are actually worse. Ailes was a whore working for money. The Murdoch's have more money than all of us will spend in our entire lifetimes combined, yet choose to fuck us all over to get even more. I wish there was a Hell for pieces of shit like them, but Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
  20. Fuck you. "Moving even 50 soldiers" means that there are now at least 100 dead United States Allies, all because Donald Trump is a cowardly, selfish, historically ignorant, small fisted shitgibbon. You know full well Trump sacrificed the Kurds because he was bought, pressured or bullied by Erdogan, yet you are still on duty, shamelessly trying to spin Trump's shameful betrayal of our allies. Their blood is on Trump's hands and by extension, dripping all over your keyboard. Whether you are making these posts for a paycheck, or not, you are a terrible human being. https://www.foxnews.com/world/turkey-military-assault-in-syria
  21. I'm not even a little surprised Trump is doing this, but I am a bit surprised they put it in writing so explicitly.
  22. Geraldo means it as a compliment, not a reprimand. He tells him, if Nixon had someone like Hannity publicly screaming in his defense, Nixon could have distanced himself and would not have needed to cover-up the burglary. His 'Hannity' would have made sure it didn't matter to Nixon's base and he wouldn't have been impeached.
  23. Are there 30-50? I've got some kids to warn. Kids can take up to 29 feral hogs, but anything 30+ would overwhelm them.
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