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suddenly shaggy

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Everything posted by suddenly shaggy

  1. If we're talking random people, yes. If I get to pick specific ones, set me up in the War Room, because I've got a few names.
  2. Add a giant caption Trump insulted Cruz's family But Cruz still endorsed Trump and and raised money for him Cruz won't even stand up for his own family, It's no wonder he hasn't stood up for Texas
  3. That fucker has given me 19 neg reps in the past few days in response to a single neg rep I gave him because he wouldn't shut the fuck up about BYU joining the Big XII.
  4. That works best with another one right next to it with this image blown up.
  5. OSU, maybe, but no way in hell is Tech winning seven games this year.
  6. Good, but I like the simplicity behind "Cruz is a Cuck". Beto > Beta
  7. Here's a good Natasha Bertrand article on Sam Patten/Manafort/Kilimnik from last April. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/04/a-dc-operatives-long-relationship-with-a-suspected-russian-spy/557438/
  8. Rondale Moore looks legit. Really wish we'd gotten him.
  9. ...and a Texas degree. You are a special kind of thin-skin brother. Shame you're a militant Mormon. You need a beer or a joint in the worst way. You've now neg repped me 18 times in response to a single well deserved neg for yet more of your bullshit conference realignment crap. You are extremely pissed and spending a lot of time on this, but have still only managed to drop me 7 points after several days of effort. You going to try to keep this up for several months to get me banned? I'm going to continue to be amused and then get another username if it comes to that. However, people already can't stand you from shaggy days and are pos repping specifically to offset you, so I think that's a bold strategy and you're more likely to get neg banned than I am. I suggest you get another hobby. Perhaps posting on a BYU message board for example.
  10. You are a guest on a Texas message board asshole, act like it.
  11. 2 more negs today Shmitty? 10 negs in response to a single neg for you posting your BYU shit on a Baylor thread. No fucking wonder no one wants BYU around. Get a fucking life, tool.
  12. Fuck off BYU troll. I gave you neg rep for bringing up your unwelcome, shit school AGAIN. You gave me 8 neg reps in exchange. Jesus, you are a fucking loser and it's a perfect microcosm of why no one wants BYU. The fuck are you doing on a Texas board repeatedly posting anyway? Since you won't take the message from dozens of us telling you to fuck off for years now, I'll type it slowly. Maybe you can get someone to read it to you? Or better yet, get a known charlatan to pretend they translated the messages to you, but then refuse to show you the messages. You aren't getting the direct approach, so might as well appeal to your cult instincts. Texas does not want BYU, no one does. No one ever has, or you'd have been in a real conference. No one wants to take on a cult with moderate football success, not even the desperate Big XII. tl:dr Fuck off. You aren't getting into the same conference with us and you aren't getting your own planet when you die.
  13. Had the CFS with fried okra + mac & cheese + jalapeños cornbread earlier tonight. Was legit. Haven't had Luby's in years.
  14. ^You're either slower than Jovorskie Lane doing sit-ups, or a troll. You also somehow missed a shit-ton of news last week, so that's points for a troll. Either way, you are right. Your position and actions haven't changed and you've made us all stupider for having read your repeated drivel.
  15. We're way across that particular Rubicon and the only pushback in the GOP is a few people sitting on the backbenches muttering under their breath.
  16. If the Dems don't retake the House in 2018, he's going to get away with it. He's going to shut everything down after the election. The outcome is still uncertain, even with a Dem House. If the Dems do retake the House, there will be successful investigations, but information space is not a clean battlefield and virtually everyone that's engaged and good at it is against US interests. Don't think Vlad doesn't know this. He's not going to let up when he has the knife at our throat. Russian meddling in the 2018 and 2020 elections will show everyone that 2016 was just a warm-up.
  17. Reality is hard for Trumpkins. There is no way a wooden boat that size is going to support both Trump and Huckabeef without capsizing. I guess that's why they both appear to have gotten industrial scale liposuction.
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