Fuck off BYU troll. I gave you neg rep for bringing up your unwelcome, shit school AGAIN. You gave me 8 neg reps in exchange. Jesus, you are a fucking loser and it's a perfect microcosm of why no one wants BYU. The fuck are you doing on a Texas board repeatedly posting anyway?
Since you won't take the message from dozens of us telling you to fuck off for years now, I'll type it slowly. Maybe you can get someone to read it to you? Or better yet, get a known charlatan to pretend they translated the messages to you, but then refuse to show you the messages. You aren't getting the direct approach, so might as well appeal to your cult instincts.
Texas does not want BYU, no one does. No one ever has, or you'd have been in a real conference. No one wants to take on a cult with moderate football success, not even the desperate Big XII.
tl:dr Fuck off. You aren't getting into the same conference with us and you aren't getting your own planet when you die.