False. Neither Dixon or Hugo actually expect a McConnell led Senate to remove Trump, none of us do. That argument has been rehashed here for years now. They think there is a chance. There's a chance for everything, even if it is an infinitesimally small chance. The GOP turned on Nixon and his support was about Trump's level when the hearings started and 27% when he was removed. Trump's crimes are astronomically worse than Nixon's. The GOP is filled with spineless cowards. If they finally realize Trump is going to drown them, they might jettison him. I will add though, that I personally think the chance is so small that it realistically approaches zero.
It's irrelevant however, Dems need to stop acting according to what they think the GOP and Fox will do or say, they are going to do it anyway. Just do the right thing and be very open about why. It's a shit leader who only follows where the rest of the herd goes first.
You are also incorrect when you restated what you think my position is. Impeaching Trump and airing all of his dirty laundry on TV at once, rather than dribbled out in small bits that can be ignored, probably hits him hard in the next election. That notwithstanding, my position is that impeaching Trump and forcing the McConnell led Senate to own Trump's malfeasance by refusing to remove a crooked felon is both, the right thing to do, and will help the Democrats retake the Senate, which is the second most important part of the 2020 election.