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Richard Kimball

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Everything posted by Richard Kimball

  1. They gave up Cooper and got this guy?
  2. Don't plunge the knife in too deep, there. Gonna confess, I feel a little bad for Frost. He won Nebraska's last national championship as a QB, and 25 years later, the student section, none of whom were even born in his glory days, were chanting to fire him. BTW, I may be looking for a new reporting job. My publisher is an Alabama Crimson Tide and Minnesota Vikings fan. He told me the hit on Ewers was a clean hit. I told him Pearson didn't push off. We'll see what happens.
  3. @Trojan Man has personal animosity towards Oregon, and ... Oregon had no real history that anyone cared about until Phil Knight got involved. Over the last thirty years, he's dumped around a billion dollars into the school. Not all of it was football, but that's a lot of money. Knight's 84 now. He may make some kind of trust for Oregon, but as he moves out of the picture, it's hard to imagine someone else with his competence in marketing giving enough of a damn about Oregon to keep pushing them. Oregon is a case study of the limitations of money and astroturfing support for a college program. That billion dollars got Oregon a higher profile, but IMHO, Oregon has reached a peak, and that was with a verified marketing genius doing everything he could to make them one of the college elite. It is most likely downhill from here.
  4. That was probably a Dicker thing. He did the same thing against Baylor last year on 4th &11, down by less than one score. You could hear the Baylor players shouting "fake!" before the snap. Most coaches give a punter the option of going for it if they see the opportunity (one side underloaded, obvious return on or whatever.) Two coaches, same bad decision.
  5. People who sell the fundraising stuff for their kids. Girl Scout cookies, "World's Finest" chocolate, which is really Ex Lax, coupon books full of stuff like an extra small fry with every thirty dollar purchase at Burger Dump or $5 off a Mercedes-Benz. The worst are the fund raisers with a catalog and you get a choice between ordering a $30 can of flavored stale popcorn or a $25 plastic key chain with a led flashlight. The easiest to deal with is the World's Finest chocolate. I just give them the two bucks and tell them to throw the candy bar in the trash, cause all of it was manufactured during the Carter administration, and they're still trying to sell the left over stock.
  6. All I've seen is the trailer, but if she ended up being my blind date, I'd slit one of my wrists with a steak knife just to end it early. I quit reading comics about the time I went to college, although I've picked up a few, like Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen since then. She Hulk was after I quit reading them. When Warner Brothers made Super Girl, I watched an episode and determined I wasn't the target audience. It was for tween girls. There's nothing wrong with that, tween girls need entertainment, but I wasn't going to watch it because it wasn't for me. The first Avengers series was pretty cool, revisited some of the characters I loved when I was a little kid, and they nailed Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, etc., well. Thor was always a little too much "Johnny Bravo" for me. By the Avengers, I felt like they'd done pretty much everything they could do with the genre in that style. Still watched through End Game. I'm not the target audience for She Hulk. According to the writers and show runners, it's supposed to be some kind of Ally McBeal, courtroom dramedy. Sorry, but I wasn't into the Gilmore Girls, either. It may be a great show for a female wine mom audience, or people into gr-gr-gr-gr-girl power.
  7. First, I miss your old avatar. It was a classic. You're right on the shows after Barney left. I would occasionally tune in cause I had a thing for Arlene Golonka. However, they didn't even show knees in Mayberry, so I gave that up. If Barney had stayed, could the show have continued to be good, or do you think they'd already done everything they could do with the characters? There's only so many ways Barney can screw up and then have Andy save him without letting him know he's been saved. The other part of me thinks that Griffith and Knotts had such great chemistry they could have put them in new situations and it still would have been great. Switching to color was a mistake, IMHO. Bringing in Jack Burns to play Warren, the deputy, was one of the worst casting decision possible.
  8. No, I didn't. Teams get 23-25 new arrivals every year, anyway, so 30+ is high, but not off the charts. Possibly I wasn't clear. I think Sark is trying to turn over the culture, and that is why there are new arrivals. Some of them will have to start earlier than the coaching staff would like, and that may make for growing pains this year.
  9. Rhule had a rebuild job at Baylor, and tore the program down to the foundations. I think he started something like 13 freshmen during his first season. Not all in the same game, but over the course of the season. They had injuries out the ass, also, cause freshmen O-line going against upper classmen D-line. First season 1-11. Second season, 7-6. Third season, 11-2. Texas needs a rebuild, although for different reasons than Baylor did. There could be the same growing pains. I'm neutral to slightly negative on Sark, but he has to get a chance. Rhule didn't need a season to evaluate the guys who had to go. He did that by looking at off field conduct. Sark needed a season, because he had to evaluate on field effort, whether or not they were a locker room cancer, and stuff like that. For the Longhorns to move forward, they have to eliminate the old entitlement culture, and that may mean getting rid of some guys with talent and replacing them with people who aren't ready. I've never been thrilled about starting freshmen on the O-line. They need a year in a college strength and conditioning program. HOWEVER, starting a freshman who's not ready beats having him sit for a year behind an upper classman that's giving a half assed effort, cause they'll be learning the same half assed effort. This may make for some growing pains this season. Throwing NIL in here, it could be a blessing or a curse. Can the coach sit a QB that's already a millionaire before taking a college snap if the QB doesn't stick with the game plan? Six years ago, before NIL and easy transfer, Rhule brought Denzel Mims (who went to the NFL) in and told him to get on the bus or get off the bus, but you're not keeping your current attitude and staying here. The term was "inviting them to be successful somewhere else." Not sure a coach can do that today.
  10. The Kentucky Fried Chicken twitter account only followed eleven people. The Spice Girls and six guys named "Herb."
  11. Note to @Codaxx On Aranda and the 1st to 2nd year turnaround. In 2019, Baylor had a good year, going 11-2 and to the Sugar Bowl, but they had seven one score games, and did not beat a ranked team. Rhule was a good coach, who won the games he should have won, but he never beat a ranked team while he was at Baylor. In 2020, Aranda was taking his first coaching gig at any level, and lost the entire spring camp due to Covid. He made the mistake of hiring Larry Fedora as the offensive coordinator. Fedora's offenses are soft as fuck. He plays like it's seven on seven. Also, Aranda is an extreme introvert, and Fedora had been a head coach for eleven years. Fedora tried to "help Aranda get his feet on the ground." My read was he was trying to be the head coach and shove Aranda into the background. Everything came to a head after the Texas game, when Charlie Brewer, the Baylor QB had more carries than all the running backs combined. Two of the backs, Ebner and Lovett quit the team after that game. They talked Ebner back, and he's playing in the NFL now. They also didn't get to play three soft non-conference games and ended up 2-7. That's why Aranda's first year looked bad after the Sugar Bowl season. BTW, I've only interviewed Fedora once, but if he'd been any bigger a prick Bob Stoops would have sucked him. Aranda is a quick learner and fired Fedora after the season, along with most of the offensive staff. He hired Jeff Grimes and Eric Mateos from BYU to run the offense, and they went smash mouth. In the portal, they picked up two new offensive linemen from the portal and got serious into increasing strength training. The O-line went from being a weak link to being the best unit on the team. He installed a new defense, and had a total of five new starters from the portal. Every transfer ended up starting. In 2021, they beat five ranked teams, #4 Oklahoma, #5 Oklahoma State, #8 Ole Miss, #14 Iowa State, and #19 BYU. It was significantly better than 2019 in terms of actual performance. FWIW, Aranda is scary smart, but an odd guy. He wouldn't fit on a lot of campuses. One other note: Mack Rhoades, the Baylor Athletic Director, gave Rhule a new contract in October, 2019. It was a great contract with an exorbitant buy out clause. The Carolina Panthers ended up paying for Aranda's contract when Rhule left.
  12. I'll have some time this evening, and will post something in the Baylor thread on how that happened. Not gonna post it on this thread cause it's a fall camp thread, not a Baylor thread, but Aranda's done some good things.
  13. I know it's just a reaction gif, but that bitch looks like an animatronic from Chuck-E-Cheese circa 1997.
  14. True, but that's a floor for a program, now. I'm thinking of something more, where they make the money too good for that position to consider transferring.
  15. Mandel is right, but he's not right. #1s don't sit on the bench. EXCEPT for their freshman season. Could this scenario come up in '24? Yes. But it would take some blow up with a coach for a guy to walk off before being on a team for one year. It is, though, with NIL and the portal, becoming common for QBs to walk after a battle. I believe at some point, there's going to be an NIL for "backup QBs." "Hey, we don't think you're good enough to start for us, but would a $75,000 a year contract to be a backup keep you around?" Cause a lot of teams are going to find themselves without a credible backup when the loser of the competition walks.
  16. I think The Virginian just left an opening for a new one.
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