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Richard Kimball

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Everything posted by Richard Kimball

  1. I was a Landry fan, and the Cowboys became America's Team because of Schramm's marketing decisions, but the game had passed them by, and by all accounts, they treated Bum Bright like crap. The Cowboys were losing millions of dollars, and Landry and Schramm just wanted Bright to shut up and pay the bills. There was a good chance the Cowboys could have moved to another city if someone besides Jones had bought them. There was serious discussion about moving the Cowboys to Los Angeles. Landry and Schramm thought they were untouchable. They weren't. BTW, early joke after Jerry bought the Cowboys: Guy walks into Jerry's office. Jerry's sitting on his desk, looking down and he's got one bare foot. Guy says, "Hey Jerry, did you lose a shoe?" Jerry says, "No, I found one!" Yeah, and it's easy to forget how insanely out of the ordinary Emmitt Smith was. He played fifteen years, when the average NFL running back plays about 2 1/2. With Sanders, Smith and Walter Payton, it wasn't just that they had great seasons, they had long careers. In his prime, I still think Earl Campbell was the best running back ever, but after the injuries...he was a shadow of himself. Also, you can't take five years to build a line.
  2. Jerry wanted to be Al Davis or George Halas, basically an owner/coach. Hell, Halas was the owner and a player/coach for his first nine years. That's who Jerry wants to be.
  3. Jerry hired Parcells because he had no choice. He was trying to get financing for AT&T Stadium, and after firing Johnson, he'd run with puppets Switzer, Gailey and Campo. They'd been 5-11 for three straight years and nobody was willing to put money into a stadium for a team losing like that. So, he hired Parcells and actually let him coach. Guy did pretty good, actually going to the playoffs with Quincy Fucking Carter at QB. Remember, Jones went ape shit over Carter, and swore he was going to be the Cowboys QB of the future. Best quote I heard on that was, "drafting a fourth rounder in the second round doesn't make him a second rounder." Anyway, Parcells found Romo, and had the Cowboys playing reasonably well, but not outstanding, when Jerry closed the deal on financing for the new stadium. The day after, over Parcells objections, he brought in Owens, declaring that he'd been busy with the new stadium, but was now going to be back to being involved with the day to day running of football operations. Parcells quit at the end of the year, and since then we've had Wade Phillips, Jason Garrett and Mike McCarthy. Jerry started cosplaying as a coach before the term "cosplay" existed. He had to fire Phillips, cause the guy was so shell shocked he went into a presser and answered every question with "I don't know, including one about who they were playing the next week." There was no reason for him to fire Garrett, cause Garrett was the perfect coach for Jones. He faded into the background, did what he was told, and ran all the day to day stuff while Jerry strolled out to cosplay as coach every so often. Remember when Jerry ran down to the sidelines and told Garrett to take Romo out of a game cause he was afraid Romo would get hurt before the playoffs? So, fire McCarthy, and bring in whoever you want. it doesn't matter. This is the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys...forever. and ever. and ever.
  4. Don't be. No way Brady would have gone to the Cowboys. Jerry Jones is the owner, general manager and head coach. Did you see McCarthy's first interview as head coach? Looked like a hostage video. Brady specifically went to a team where he'd have input on the roster and the offensive scheme, and where the roster was good. He's given up millions cause he wanted to win. No way he was going to this.
  5. Belichick has coached 27 years. Eighteen years, Brady was his QB, nine years, someone else was.With Brady: 41 playoff games, thirty playoff wins, six Super Bowl wins.Without Brady: 3 playoff games, one playoff win.Brady without Belichick: 4 playoff games, 4 playoff wins, one Super Bowl win, no playoff losses.
  6. I'd watch that. I don't see it as protecting bowls. Nobody's going to skip the playoffs to play in the (Hell, I can't even think of a name too goofy to be a real bowl game) bowl, but if Slapdick Tech and Cheesedick U. want to square off in the Punkin Bowl, what difference does it make? In basketball, the National Invitational Tournament doesn't take anything away from March Madness.
  7. Guy is in a small Mexican town, realizes he left his watch in the hotel. Sees a guy sitting next to a donkey, says, "Hey, you know what time it is?" Guy picks up the donkeys balls, squints, and says, two o'clock." Guy runs back to his hotel and checks, and the guy was right about the time. Goes back out and asks him, "How did you know the time?" Other guy says, "Okay, sit where I am. Now, pick up the donkeys balls. You see that clock on the bank building?"
  8. No reason to dump the bowl games, but if the playoffs expand, the value of bowls will drop. If Kansas State and Ole Miss don't make the playoffs and want to play in a bowl game, it doesn't hurt anyone. Biggest problem for the bowls then will be that the best teams are in the playoffs. A lot of us forget that. If all you want to do is fast forward to the end of the season to see who's champion, you're missing all the fun. This right here, and points out the difficulty, even after the contract expires. During the COVID year, the B1G tried to swing it's dick and thought everyone would follow them cancelling the season. Then the SEC said, "We're playing. We got fourteen teams and we can play a full schedule without going out of conference." College isn't like the NFL, where they take a vote and everyone follows, whether they like it or not. Each college and each conference can make their own decisions.
  9. Agree with your point, but having the championship be a four team invitational totally flips recruiting. Alabama was always going to be good under Saban, but them getting good exactly at the time that the four team format started gave them an even bigger recruiting advantage. Cincinnati's going to get a big recruiting bump from being in the playoffs. Expanding the playoffs won't result in the SEC falling off a cliff, or Bama suddenly becoming losers, but it will help level the recruiting field, and will make a difference over the long haul.
  10. NYPost Story on Dwayne Hickman's death Hadn't seen it posted, and maybe it was because with the other celebrity deaths recently, it got overlooked, or maybe he just wasn't that big a star. When I was a kid, though, The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis was must see for me. Bob Denver as Maynard G. Krebs, Tuesday Weld as Thalia (had a thing for her.) Anyway, he was 87 and had Parkinsons. He did a lot of stuff behind the camera after he quit acting. I think his last big acting job was Cat Ballou.
  11. Off topic, but Aunt Becky was hot.
  12. There are reasons some of us think that way. First, this board has aged by quite a few years, and there's an age where you don't live and die with your team like you did when you were a kid. The first BIG Texas game I remember watching was the Arkansas game after Freddy Steinmark got cancer. Every one of us has a game that's like our first love. Nothing matches up to it again. My Cowboys "first love" game was in the 72 playoffs, when Staubach brought the Cowboys back from a 28-13 deficit in the 4th quarter to take down the 49ers. My other favorite game was the one when the Cowboys put the Redskins out of the playoffs in 1979 and Harvey Martin threw a funeral wreath into their locker room. BTW, that's how the Cowboy's uni is supposed to look. Second, just about everyone on this board follows the Longhorns. A lot follow the Cowboys, and a few are Houston fans. None of those teams have lit it up lately. Dunno about y'all, but Bevo kicking Uga's ass and the Longhorns beating Georgia in the Sugar wasn't stale and boring to me. We get a few more seasons like that and we'll be back in the groove. I do think the sports networks damage some things in college sports with the commoditization, the commercial time outs, flipping of game times, etc. The biggest thing, IMHO, to improve sports is to have a real playoff. I don't care if you're the Wyoming Cowboys. Every team should have a path to the playoffs by winning, and the rules should be in place before the season starts.
  13. There was a lot of fanfic around Aranda last year. Three of the jobs he was supposedly "offered' were pure speculation on message boards and by "journalists." When these rumors started flying, he hadn't even completed one winning season as a head coach, and a lot of schools weren't sure how his whole "rain man" persona would play long term. Texas was one, but I don't remember it getting much traction. I wasn't thrilled with Sark's first year, but you don't do a huge buyout half way through a coach's first season, barring some kind of scandal bigger than pole assassin. That wasn't even a scandal. It was just funny. The Texas rumors, I think, weren't from people with grievances against Texas. I think they came from a fairly small contingent of Texas fans that want to fire every Texas coach the first time they lose a game, and want to hire every coach that wins three games in a row at another school. LSU was looking for a "NAME." Aranda may have been fifth or so on their list. Southern Cal had been negotiating with Riley for months, and I think they had an agreement in principle a month before they named him as coach. LSU rumors were obvious because he had coached there. He grew up in SoCal, so the rumors started flying about that school. The Oregon and Texas rumors, people just pulled those out of their asses. Aranda MIGHT move on in a couple of years, but he's very much a one foot in front of the other guy, and he's still figuring out being a head coach. He learns really fast, though.
  14. Mulkey got told "You'd better take that LSU job, cause we're not putting up with your shit, anymore." It all came down to the new basketball arena. Mulkey wanted it on campus, in between the Ferrell Center and the baseball and softball stadiums. Baylor was in negotiations with City of Waco and some private developers to put it on the bank of the Brazos, on the downtown side of I-35. The arena project will cost $185 million. Waco's chipping in $65 million, and it's going to anchor a $700 million downtown river development. They told Mulkey several times to STFU, they were going to put a statue of her up in front of the new arena, and make everything look smooth on the outside. She wouldn't shut up. Completing the negotiations required meet and greets with a lot of people with serious money, and Baylor was tired of Mulkey showing her ass at every possible moment, and they weren't going to let her go into negotiation meetings screaming about having the arena in an area that was too small and was going to remove about 50% of the parking from the three other facilities there. She'd been a pain in the ass for years, and you can usually get away with being an ass when you're winning, BUT when the money boys tell you to sit down and STFU, you either do it or go someplace else. Both sides have been quiet about it, but it wasn't Mulkey's choice. The only coach who's voluntarily left Baylor since I started covering them in around 2006* is Matt Rhule, and he was writing his number on NFL bathroom stalls before he got the Baylor job. *Disclaimer: I don't cover anything except football, basketball and women's basketball, and I cover as little women's basketball as I have to.
  15. Agree. Yeah, there have been some dumbass plays, but it's fun to watch a game where guys are busting their asses and actually give a shit.
  16. User name checks out, but I could say that about 75% of your posts.
  17. Just once for me. Had to hold it open so a doctor could insert a tube. Cottage cheese. It was awful. No, and I'll pass on that one.
  18. Some of them never take their shoes off. The foot calluses sometimes literally grow into the socks. They hit an ER and take their shoes off for the first time in a month or two and you can smell it all the way down the hall.
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