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Richard Kimball

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Everything posted by Richard Kimball

  1. Troof. Also, like Maryanne, she didn't seem high maintenance, and could probably cook. For further research, check out Jan Smithers and Loni Anderson.
  2. Oh, watching something on someone else's phone is a beating. Your post reminded me of "That guy who thinks he can tell a joke." He goes all "John Henry Faulk" and strings it out into a ten minute tale, and tries to be folksy. Worst part is when he finally delivers the punch line, and you phased out four minutes ago, didn't realize it was time to laugh, and he either gets all butt hurt or starts telling it again.
  3. It took me five years to get this pun.
  4. You're just gonna have to wait until she's old enough to get her learner's permit.
  5. Comedy has trouble standing up over time, cause what we find funny is constantly changing, and comedy timing is also changing. When I was a kid, everybody talked about how fast paced Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In was. Watch one now, and it feels really slow. Steve Martin's movies, The Jerk and The Man With Two Brains can feel kinda cringy, but they still have their moments. I can still watch them anytime, cause Kathleen Turner and Bernadette Peters in their primes. Also, a caution. This is why you don't marry for looks alone...
  6. I was gonna make a joke about sodium, but then I was like, "Na."
  7. Ahem, speaking as a person who has made many emergency medical calls on citizens, I can state categorically that every time I went on a call where someone had something stuck up their ass, alcohol was involved.
  8. The guy who acts like you're stupid because you don't understand his special area of expertise. Just went through this installing some propane powered equipment. I don't know dick about propane beyond hooking up the cylinders for grills and stuff. The equipment got delivered except for the propane hook up, and the guy was coming down to do training, so this was all over the phone. He told me to order two hundred pound tanks. I do that, then he told me to get the equipment to hook the tanks together and run them into the common connection. "Oh, hell yes you need to get a regulator. Also you need a gauge. Just get a common hookup." So I start asking questions about the regulator. How much pressure does it need to be able to handle? Dittos for the gauge. What thread do these systems use? I tell him I don't know anything about these types of hookups and that's why we're paying them $67,000 for this equipment is because they're supposed to be the experts. Do the large tanks have a different type connection from the small tanks? What diameter pipe do I need? Should I teflon tape the connections? Guy acted like I was stupid cause I didn't come out of my mother's womb understanding how to build a propane manifold out of parts from Home Depot. Oh, and when he shows up, he's like, "these tanks are too small." "You said two hundred pound tanks." "Oh, I meant two hundred gallon tanks." I tell him, "Propane's sold by the pound and the gallon. There's a lot of difference between a pound and a gallon."
  9. The "Karen" theme song, 1960s sitcom, was done by the Beach Boys
  10. Entire Jetsons theme song: Meet George Jetson. His boy, Elroy. Daughter Judy. Jane, his wife. Somewhere, someone is still getting paid royalties for that.
  11. Did you just get vaxxed or did you get COVID. I got COVID in January, and my pulse ox is just now getting back to normal range. Still a little below normal. Could do four miles non-stop (I'm 66, not a fast four) but now, maybe 1 1/2 miles. It's getting better, but it takes time.
  12. Yeah, it's kinda like shooting a dog at that point. The animals no longer have any fear, and will just stand there. It's more like target practice than hunting. OTOH, I have a few friends that are bow hunters, and the big thing with them right now is going out at night and shooting feral hogs with a bow. That, to me, is a different proposition.
  13. Championship parade on Austin Avenue
  14. On #4, naked guy, only bothers me if there are like thirty open lockers and he grabs the one right next to me. On the "I'm gonna impress the boss at a meeting guy," he's got a twin brother called, "I'm not gonna shut the fuck up and let this meeting end" guy.
  15. Probably should go in the "getting old" thread, but I've never understood wearing a player's jersey. When I was in school, the only other person that wore your jersey was your girl, and it better be serious. Most annoying guy to me is "Topper" guy. You can be telling a story about seeing five people get shot in a drive by, and he'll say, "That's nothing! I remember this one time..."
  16. You're right. I remembered Spielberg had some trouble, as Belushi started spiraling shortly after Animal House, and juxtaposed the movies.
  17. I think the original plan was for River Phoenix to do a series of movies as young Indiana Jones. That was why he did the intro in one of them. Spielberg started getting a lot more careful about casting people with drug problems in his movies after he had to prop up John Belushi for some of the Blues Brothers scenes and Phoenix overdosed.
  18. Think of it as humor. Like the funny kind, only different. It was a totally silly movie, but fun. Wife and kids enjoyed it, nobody should expect any kind of scientific accuracy out of a movie like this. .
  19. Bigfoot is often mistaken for a Sasquatch. Yeti never complains.
  20. Pretty sure the little girl was deaf from watching the movie.
  21. Family wanted to see it. Wasn't expecting much, but it was a lot of fun. Pretty brainless, but some of the best CGI you'll see. Should have been a seizure warning for one of the flashing light sequences. Only one nit to pick:
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