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Richard Kimball

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Everything posted by Richard Kimball

  1. These two quotes reminded me of spending time at the fire station and the ER. Firefighters ALWAYS make fresh coffee. Emergency Room, not so much, but both of them make coffee strong enough to crawl out of the cup. It also reminded me of how fortunate I am that now I have an office, and can have my own Keurig instead of having to use the communal coffee pots. Trivial thing that pleases the ever loving shit out of me. I have an office, and don't work in a cubicle farm. It's not a big office, but it's awesome to have a little sanctuary during the work day.
  2. Three more movies: Indiana Jones and the Broken Hip of Pain Indiana Jones and the Nursing Home of No Return Indiana Jones and the Last Casket
  3. Getting old may suck, but talking about your first set of wheels never gets old.
  4. Ford has done some weird things. They killed the original Ranger, which was extremely popular. They killed the Bronco, which was popular. They took the Thunderbird from being a cool sports car to a bloated family car, then killed it. They nearly killed the Mustang by turning it into an econobox until someone figured out there was still a market for the real Mustang.
  5. Had a Midget for a while. Lots of fun to drive, but every part that fell off of that car was of the finest British craftsmanship. Electrical was a nightmare.
  6. I think it was, but I was past racing by the time I got it. My brother and I got in it one night, took the top off, and cruised about 250 miles through back roads, Texas. Just talking and enjoying the Texas summer night. Getting that car was like getting a date with the high school prom queen twenty years later, and finding out she's still 18.
  7. First car I had that I loved. Got it during my mid life crisis. Wife was not amused.
  8. You were a teenage kid, and peer pressure means a lot. Trucks in the 1960/70s were work vehicles. The "cool kids" had Mustangs, Camaros, and Chargers. I think I had the only truck in my school parking lot. As to how much perceptions change, in the old Don Knotts movie, the Reluctant Astronaut, to show how much of an oddball he was, he drove a Willy's Jeep. Today, in small town Texas, every hot girl wants a jeep.
  9. My first vehicle was a 63 Chevy pickup like this, except with 200,000 miles and beat to hell. Had a straight six and a three on the tree. When the engine died, my dad put a 327 from a wrecked Camaro in in. Screaming beast to fifty, cause those old Chevys didn't have a high gear, but damn, off the line... Supposedly I helped him put the engine in, but he knew everything, I didn't know dick, so I mostly handed him tools or put in bolts after he told me where to put them.
  10. Confession: I do think the girls that went to school when I did were mostly better looking than the girls in school today. They fixed their hair and wore nice clothes. Today, not so much. Mini skirts were the reason I nearly flunked a couple of courses. There was a girl named Linda, had the best legs I've ever seen, sat across the aisle from me. Don't get me started on Anna, either.
  11. I'm on a Facebook page for my old high school class. Getting so fukkin sick of people posting memes with shit like, "You'll never be as cool as we were."
  12. “The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry.” A Farewell to Arms
  13. Dittos on the get well part. I think B1G was worried about it from COVID, not the vaccine, but bad side effect.
  14. Yeah, after the initial Baylor blitz, Gonzaga got in a situation they hadn't been in all year long, having to play from a legit deficit. When a team hasn't been behind all season, except for a few early two point deficits, it messes with their heads. You could see it when they started rushing shots and throwing up prayers. That also affected their free throws.
  15. That's what he said. NCAA tournaments, how do they work?
  16. Yeah, it was fun watching all those writers getting whiplash and having to rewrite their game summaries at halftime. Hell, ESPN even dropped the "it would have been a great story..." into their game summary and spent a full paragraph talking about all the things a Gonzaga win would have done.
  17. What part of "selfish SOB" wasn't clear?
  18. True story from before I was this old, when I was about fifty. So, I'm running a fire academy, and had a pretty bad respiratory infection. Coughed, and gave myself an inguinal hernia. Have to go to surgery. Have the surgery, no lifting anything over twenty pounds for ten days, etc. We go to the metroplex for live fire training six days after the surgery. One guy in the class is a full blown pussy, every time he gets a booboo, he's laying on the ground pissing and moaning. We've made it through three days of training, and are on the last drill of the last day. I'm leaning on a railing, watching the last drill, about 3:30 PM, feeling like shit, and thinking, "all we have to do is finish this drill, and we can pack up and head home." So, pussy boy and another guy are doing a rescue, and they're carrying a 165 pound dummy down an exterior stairwell. Pussy boy is on the bottom, trips, falls down about eight feet of concrete stairs and lands on his back with the rescue dummy and the other trainee on top of him. I'm watching this, thinking, "get up, get up," and he goes, "Oh, my back!" This tells you what a selfish SOB I am, cause the first thought that went through my head was, "Everything happens to me." So, spinal immobilization, ambulance, metroplex hospital ER, which is like a combination of a minimum security prison and a line to get into a ZZ Top concert in 1978. We're in there about two hours, and he tells me, "Chief, I think my back's okay. I think I can go." "You shut up! You shut the hell up! You jumped on this log ride and we're taking it to the end!" You know how an ER is. As soon as they figure out you're not dying, they ignore you for hours. Finally got out about 2 AM and made it back home about 5 AM. tl;dr: hernias suck.
  19. A lot of versions of Dragnet have been made, including the original radio show, the original tv show, the reboot with Webb and Morgan, the movie with Hanks and Akroyd, and the tv reboot with Ed O'Neil, but everybody knows you're talking about the Webb/Morgan version when you say Dragnet. Amazing how much less money was spent on production in those days. Webb and Morgan wore the same suits in every episode, except Webb wore a red sweater in one, where he was taking a college class. They used to splice all the transition scenes across multiple seasons, like them walking to the car, getting out of the car, leaving their desks, etc. Wearing the same suits in every episode let them splice all those scenes in seamlessly. Both wore dark ties, Webb the gray jacket and black pants, and Morgan the gray suit. I remember an interview with Morgan when they shut down MASH. He said he told them not to shut the show down, cause everyone was pitching all these projects to them, and that a lot of people didn't realize the show was the star. He said he'd been fortunate enough to be in three legitimate hits (December Bride, Dragnet and MASH,) and while the series were running, everyone wanted him to star in something, and the day the show ended, nobody wanted to know him. According to him, after both December Bride and Dragnet, there were times he became convinced he'd never work again. Weird thing about some shows is that they become iconic, and you can't really put a finger on why, except they were memorable. Gilligan's Island, the Munsters, Dragnet, the first five seasons of Andy Griffith, Dick Van Dyke, the Beverly Hillbillies and Bewitched are memorable. Some of them were good, some awful, but all are memorable.
  20. It's his schtick. Remember when Ali said, "I don't care if they pay to see me win or if they pay to see me get whupped, as long as they pay to see me." That's Skip. He doesn't care if you read him cause you think he's smart, or to make fun of him cause he's a dumb ass, as long as you read him.
  21. At the half, Baylor's leading by five more points than Houston has scored.
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