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Richard Kimball

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Everything posted by Richard Kimball

  1. Your post popped up right under the picture of Aunt Bea. And she looks ready.
  2. OTOH, driving through a small town at night with his lights off and a bunch of weed in the car indicates he's a dumb ass. Small town cops are bored as shit. They'll pull you over for having a license plate light be too dim. He's the kind of guy who dates a hairdresser named Tiffany and expects her not to steal his wallet.
  3. Desktop Macs have a rechargeable mouse. Apparently, they don't want you using the mouse while it's charging, so they put the charging connection on the bottom, and the computer doesn't tell you the mouse battery is low until there's about fifteen minutes left. Apple died as an innovative company with Steve Jobs.
  4. Two shows that never worked in color were Andy Griffith and The Munsters. On Andy Griffith, when they went color, they never thought about a color palette. The khaki uniforms, the drab green walls, everything in the outside scenes was a drab brown. Course the fact that Barney left and they tried the stupid fukkin Warren as a deputy didn't help. Huh? yeah. Huh? yeah. I'd forgotten about the toaster fixing bastard. Never seen a show replace so many stellar cast members with so many duds. In the early shows, even the bit characters were great. Parley Bear as the mayor, the Darlings, Will Wright as the cranky old Ben Weaver, just about all of them were perfect for their parts.
  5. It's always fun to see what people find unrealistic in movies. It depends on the area of interest. Guys who are gun aficionados get annoyed when a movie is set in the 1870s and people are using guns that weren't developed until the 1890s. Car guys get annoyed about stuff like this. I got annoyed when Bruce Wayne, a billionaire in great physical shape, had the unrequited hots for Maggie Gyllenhaal, a six on her best day. I mean, he goes to a restaurant with Natasha, and starts simping over Maggie?
  6. I didn't say anything about the schools paying the players. I said BOOSTERS. The example I used was Phil Knight offering endorsement deals to players who commit to Oregon.
  7. That's possible, but unless a state adopts, through the legislative process, NCAA rules as state law, the NCAA rulings carry no legal weight. All they can do is limit scholarships, etc, and if a school says "No, we're not following your rulings," all the NCAA can do is kick them out and threaten member NCAA schools if they play them. Depending on the ruling, this could end up creating "Prestige Worldwide." There's only so many schools with boosters that care enough and have deep enough pockets to pay players. If it turns into a bidding war, even some traditionally solid schools could have trouble keeping up. Imagine Oregon offering a guaranteed contract with Nike for everyone that signs with the Ducks. Nationwide, there are probably only about 25 schools that could keep up if it goes full wild west. Right now, probably 20% of schools are making money off athletics, and the rest are dumping money into athletics trying to turn a profit.
  8. May be a side point, but the NCAA doesn't make laws. They have no legal authority, and are strictly an association. The maximum thing they can do is kick someone out of the NCAA. They can't issue subpoenas or require someone to testify. Nobody is breaking a law if they violate NCAA rules about player compensation. The only way a player could get in legal trouble is if they don't declare it on their taxes.
  9. First of all, nice job on grabbing all the tweets. Barrett brings up the thing that's going to be the next round of lawsuits, Title IX. There are currently two college sports that actually produce revenue, football and men's basketball. Whatever is decided, it will probably take about a week for there to be Title IX lawsuits over female basketball players getting less money than the men.
  10. Different coaches work better in different situations. Schnellenberger took Miami from being a small, non-descript program and built it up. He likely saw the same type of opportunity at Louisville. Some guys are good at building a program where they're initially out of the spotlight and sneak up on people. Others are better at feeding the beast of an established program.
  11. There's always been people who got offended by everything, but they never had the social power they do now. There's an old saying that every phone call or letter to your company represents the thoughts of a hundred people who didn't call or write. That's not true, anymore. A small organized group can flood a station with calls. So, a station that gets, normally, a couple of calls a week about content suddenly gets fifty calls in one day. OMG! EVERYONE IS UPSET! Apologize! South Park and Family Guy avoided getting cancelled cause (A) the people who watch them weren't going to be offended by their content, as they were going for a specific audience, not the general audience a weathercast is going for. (B) they basically said "fuck off" to the people who complained, their ratings didn't drop, and the corporate suits shrugged.
  12. Patterson has a real talent for making a game ugly and sloppy, then slipping out a win late. One thing to watch out for is the return of Doug Meacham to TCU as an offensive coach. In his last stint there as offensive coordinator (2014-2016) they won eleven games twice. Patterson has dropped off the last few years, but the Frogs have, under him, been schizophrenic, going from 10+ wins to losing seasons with regularity. Even in their bad years, though, they tend to pull off a few upsets and lose close games. They don't get blown out a lot. And yeah, they have Patterson's personality, perpetually butt hurt and feeling disrespected. And they use it for motivation.
  13. Off topic: Re: Burnt Orange Royal changed the school color. It used to be just a slightly darker shade of orange than Tennessee. Royal changed the orange to more closely match the football. It was a subtle change, but it made it harder for opposing teams to spot the player with the ball when the Horns were running the triple option. There was an old saying that Royal never broke any NCAA rules, but he was responsible for a lot of new ones being written. He was an absolute master at exploiting the system. Check the history of the tearaway jersey, another Royal development. As others have noted, Texas no longer uses the true burnt orange from the Royal era. I've often wondered if there's a secret "Texas rule" that the UT color has to be at least slightly different from the color of the football.
  14. Florida man arrested for marijuana possession after telling cop "That's what she said," after being questioned about bulge in his pants.
  15. What's the difference between a four year old and a bag of cocaine?
  16. Commercials on the car radio that play the sound of a car crash or a siren. Totally destroys my chill. Gravel trucks that have a sign on the back that says "Stay back 200 feet. Not responsible for accidents." Makes me want to get a pellet gun, go to their yard at night, after doing the damage, put a note on the gate that says, "I'm not responsible for your windshields either, motherfucker." No, I haven't done it.
  17. Apologies for drifting off topic, but I remember on the NFL network, when the Vick dog fighting thing was going on, Emmitt Smith was on one of those "athletes on bar stools shooting the shit" shows, and started talking about how dog fighting was a lot more common than people thought, and it wasn't a big deal. They almost immediately cut to a break, and when they came back Emmitt looked like he'd been smacked in the face and didn't say five words the rest of the broadcast. Personally, I've always believed the dog fighting ring involved other pro athletes (some of those dogs were $10,000 or more, who has that kind of disposable income for that kind of hobby?) and the NFL sat hard on it to keep it from coming out. Sports journalism is a schizophrenic mix of people who will do ANYTHING to keep team access and be one of the "in crowd" and people who want to expose anything they can to get a scoop. Anyway, back to Watson, this one is weird, in that none of the talking heads know any more than the rest of us. Both parties are only talking through their lawyers. Your point about people getting fired is spot on. Smith and Bayless are probably bullet proof, cause they've made a lot of money by making dumbass comments, but almost anyone else can get cancelled in a minute.
  18. Here I sit Broken hearted Shaka shit the bed and farted
  19. Camelback80 sleeps with the fishes.
  20. 60s song lyrics are serious bidness.
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