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Richard Kimball

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Everything posted by Richard Kimball

  1. I'm bumping this thread in 48 years.
  2. If it's anything like the football portal, it will be like dating after thirty or going to a garage sale. You're trying to find the least damaged item that you might get some use out of.
  3. I decided I'd never get a massage after I saw what happened to Moe Greene.
  4. Cases like this are Rorschach tests. Some people will believe her, some him, without any knowledge of the situation. I'll say two things, though. Any woman who runs a massage service out of her house and advertises on Instagram cannot be surprised if some of her customers expect more than a massage. Hell, I'm just on Facebook, and probably half of my "friend" requests are thots looking for johns, and my Facebook is about as clean as it gets. I never have anything remotely sexual on it. I'd also guess that most NFL franchises have people on staff for massages and physical therapy.
  5. Richards involvement was minimal. David Sibley and Bob Bullock were the movers on that. Both got their law degrees from Baylor, Sibley was the Waco area rep, and when Bullock retired, he left all his papers from his time as Lt. Governor to the Baylor library. Richards went to Baylor for her teaching degree, but wasn't that attached to the school and only taught for one year. That "Grandma teacher from Baylor" was mostly campaign rhetoric.
  6. Rice and SMU didn't bring anything to the table. Rice, in their entire history, has never made a serious commitment to football. SMU was still in their wandering in the wilderness phase. When the Southwest Conference was formed, television wasn't an issue. For the most part, travel distance between the schools was the biggest deal. Rice and SMU were inside an easy travel path for just about everyone. The Big 12 was about television footprint. Texas and aggy delivered Houston. Rice brought nothing to the table. The metroplex TV interests were Texas, aggy and Oklahoma. SMU and TCU brought essentially zero to metroplex ratings.
  7. Conference realignment talk not going away. The B12 needed one of Rice, SMU, TCU or Baylor in the conference. Having a private institution exempts the conference from having to open up their books like they do if all the colleges are public (government funded) institutions. For the most part, they're loss leaders, and don't do much except provide wins to the big boys and keep the conference from having to open their books. Northwestern is the one for the B1G, Vanderbilt for the SEC, Baylor for B12, USC and Stanford for PAC, and the ACC has several private schools. Course, not all of them are just patsies, but there's a reason the discussion was over keeping Baylor or TCU, and Houston didn't enter into the mix. As to Arkansas, financially they might be better off in the SEC, but they lost all their old recruiting grounds and picked up precious little in the SEC. There were rumors that the reason Arky jumped was because they heard they'd be left out of the B8-SWC merger, but who knows?
  8. Not to defend Nebraska, but they did have one legitimate complaint. Their biggest game of the year in the old Big 8 was Oklahoma. When the conferences merged, Oklahoma went in the south with Texas. The Sooners objected to an annual "rivalry" game with Nebraska because at the time, the three toughest programs were Texas, Oklahoma and Nebraska. Conference championships were a bigger deal back then. Oklahoma didn't mind playing both when a loss to Texas wouldn't affect conference standings, but they didn't want to have the toughest conference schedule every year. From a recruiting standpoint, the Texas game was a lot more important to the Sooners than the Nebraska game, cause Cotton Bowl in the metroplex. The inherent problem, IMHO, with the Big 12 when it formed was there were only three "name" teams. Nebraska wanted Oklahoma to stay in the north, and have Nebraska/Oklahoma anchor the northern schools, and Texas-aggy anchor the south. aggy wasn't up to doing the heavy lifting for that to work, the Oklahoma legislature wasn't going to let Okie lite and OU be in a different division, and Oklahoma REALLY needed that game in the metroplex for recruiting. It really affected Nebraska's ego when the Sooners pushed to be in the south, but...
  9. Been a long time since I thought of Yukon Cornelius. Wondered what he'd been up to.
  10. Really random, but anyone remember getting your car inspected in the 60s/70s? The state regulated the price of inspection, but the dealer could charge a dollar to adjust each headlight. Usually, the guy would walk out, scrape the old sticker off, put the new sticker on, charge $2.00 for the inspection, another $2.00 for adjusting the headlights if you had two headlights, and $4.00 if you had four headlights. Never had an inspection where they actually looked at the car until the state started running stings on the inspection stations I guess in the early nineties.
  11. That guy was so messed up. Married to Joey Heatherton and exposing himself to kids. I read the book he wrote, and aside from his crimes, the creepiest part was the hazing he talked about at Oklahoma. The freshmen had to get naked and bear crawl across a gym with grapes in their butts. Anyone who dropped their grape had to eat it, and the last person had to eat all the grapes. This was under "legendary" Oklahoma coach Bud Wilkinson. That was the post WWII era, and it was expected that you would follow orders from your coach/boss/DI without question. That was one of the reasons I never was much of a joiner. There were too many people that expected you to degrade yourself to be part of the club. Some of the stuff that went on during that era would land people in jail today (Junction Boys, for example.) Rentzel went nuttier than most, but he was a super high achiever that cracked up and blew a gasket. There are serious hazards to following authority without questioning it.
  12. My grandmother lived on McKenzie. 2700 block.
  13. Tavon Austin tweeted it, and he's #2 on the list. This is just a vanity post. I can make a list of the most exciting college players of all time. It would include Vince, Earl, and Ricky. It would also include Barry Sanders. He might be from Oklahoma State, but you held your breath whenever he got the ball.
  14. Ha, ha! Fuck all those guys who said we'd never get past Kansas.
  15. OK, Texans history lesson... Well, let me tell you about the time we won a playoff game.
  16. Newton's in a tough spot, and resigning with the Patriots is probably one of his only moves. Brady left the Patriots not just over money, but I think he thought the Buccaneers had a better chance of getting to the Super Bowl. The Patriots receiving corps has gone steadily downhill. Belichick will have to retool the offense, cause Newton is a completely different kind of QB from Brady. I honestly don't know on this, but has Newton taken too many hits to be effective? He always played a physical game, and you can only take so many hits.
  17. For a six seed, I was concerned Tech would be a tough out. They're so frikkin streaky. They can look awful or like world beaters.
  18. There are several reasons. Johnson could ID the talent, Jones could make the deal. Jimmy wasn't a deal maker. After the Herschel Walker deal, other teams were afraid to deal with him. Several of those draft choices were conditional. The Vikings sent several players to Dallas, and if the players didn't start, etc, those got converted to draft choices. Johnson sat all of them, and never gave them a chance to start, cause he always intended to turn them into draft choices. Also, Jimmy got pretty lucky with the Cowboys with some of his deals. Michael Irvin was already with the team. Troy Aikman was the consensus #1 pick his first year, and the Cowboys had the #1 pick. Johnson picked up his old Miami QB, Steve Walsh, in the supplemental draft. That turned into the #1 pick the next year, so Jimmy didn't realize what he was getting in Aikman, cause he burned the #1 pick on a journeyman QB. The Cowboys would have taken Blair Thomas over Emmitt Smith in the 1990 draft, but the Jets grabbed him. In fairness, Thomas had a higher draft grade than Smith, so a lot of teams would have done that, but that's what I mean by some of those player acquisitions just turned out well in Dallas. Trivia, four of the first five choices in the 1989 draft were Troy Aikman, Barry Sanders, Derrick Thomas and Deion Sanders. When was the last time there was a draft that loaded?
  19. I used to run around with a girl that went to Reicher. She mentioned Sister Mary Helen a lot, and said everyone called her Sister Hairy Melon, but not to her face. That was back when nuns could raise some serious fear in people.
  20. I grew up off of 19th, close to MCC. Saw the school being built when I was a kid. Got kicked out of Waco High in 1971, graduated from Richfield in 1972.
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